jacky chen 在 187LIFE STYLE-"正宗"說唱會館巡迴(TAIPEI STAGE) 的影片資訊
Shot by : 906 , jacky chen Edited by : 906 Music Remix by : DJ HuangFU , Kai 187INC粉專連結: www.facebo...
Shot by : 906 , jacky chen Edited by : 906 Music Remix by : DJ HuangFU , Kai 187INC粉專連結: www.facebo...
【抽獎者名單(依隊伍順序紀錄)】 〔紅隊 23人〕:子瑜、Familiar_ K、林建廷、優曇華院 因幡 鈴仙、謝宇揚、mercury Y、黃光辰、ASSASSIN Hunter、Allen Shin...
BOXING/陳建瑋聯手創作 最強抒情主打 「如果沒有這麼靠近過,或許現在也不會這麼難過。」 只是想要好好的 原來真的不簡單 【不簡單】邀請金曲歌王陳建瑋共同創作,抒情搖滾大器詮譯Boxing...
Born in Taiwan Taipei has been dancing since the age of fourteen. Performing and choreographing sinc...
Pikachu wannabe (Vocal) eLynn (FB: https://www.facebook.com/eLynn0906) Dragon Master (Music Produce...
超棒的編曲和旋律歌詞,個人很喜歡來改編成吉他演奏版 :) 葉宇峻 吉他教學@台中 0980-410902 FB專頁 https://www.facebook.com/paupauband http:...
【唔知醜自彈自唱系列】-陳慧琳《嚴重》 原唱:陳慧琳 作詞:陳少琪 作曲:河村隆一 是腦海嚴重故障 是個給你去解咒 瞬間復活銅像 是氣息 嚴重缺氧 但意識裡那火舌囂張 * 從唇上將愛揭幕直至心崩潰知...
Sorry for the noise besides me as they just wanna talk during concert =(( If you've liked this video...
Song started at 1:36. Sorry for the talking besides me as they just wanna talk during concert =(( If...
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