jonas瑞典 在 家裡的兩隻貓怎麼了?! 要不要帶牠們去瑞典?🇸🇪💔 | The problem with our 2 cats… 的影片資訊
家裡的兩隻貓怎麼了?! 要不要帶牠們去瑞典?🇸🇪💔 | The problem with our 2 cats… 🔥爭取到優惠 結帳輸入優惠碼coupon : JOVIP 即日至9/8前滿1000...
家裡的兩隻貓怎麼了?! 要不要帶牠們去瑞典?🇸🇪💔 | The problem with our 2 cats… 🔥爭取到優惠 結帳輸入優惠碼coupon : JOVIP 即日至9/8前滿1000...
我們會不會辦回瑞典?申請她的瑞典簽證!🇸🇪🇹🇼 | Can we move back to Sweden?! Applying for her Swedish Visa! Charlie: http...
陽台大改造!2300元改造成瑞典風格的陽台! 🏠🇸🇪🇹🇼 | Remodeling our Balcony! Subscribe me: Charlie...
查理第一次吃瑞典三明治蛋糕!🇸🇪🇹🇼 | Smörgåstårta! Taiwanese girl first time trying Swedish Sandwich Cake! 自製瑞典早餐! ...
台北的房子太貴了!準備搬回瑞典! 🇸🇪🇹🇼 | Buying house in Taipei is too expensive! Preparing to move back to Sweden ...
一個月不能出門!宅在家的三個最大文化差異!3 Culture differences while staying at home! Jonas & Charlie 查理第一次吃瑞典三明治蛋糕!🇸🇪🇹...
我們竟然要被趕出去?! 在台北找新房子! | We are getting kicked out?! Looking for new house in Taipei! #BRITA #濾菌龍頭式濾水...
一周停兩次電?!瑞典電力工程師怎麼看?| Swedish Engineer experiences 2 power outage in Taiwan! Subscribe me: http://bi...
I reached out to my friends and fellow YouTubers in Taiwan after a news article claiming that "TAIWA...
為什麼瑞典朋友搬來台灣?!瑞典跟台灣的工作文化有什麼不一樣?| The biggest difference between working in Taiwan and Sweden! 大家好! 在...