jordan michael 在 UNDISPUTED | Shannon "backlash" Skip tweets about LeBron replacing Michael Jordan in "Space Jam 2" 的影片資訊
UNDISPUTED | Shannon "backlash" Skip tweets about LeBron replacing Michael Jordan in "Space Jam 2"...
UNDISPUTED | Shannon "backlash" Skip tweets about LeBron replacing Michael Jordan in "Space Jam 2"...
Stephen A. "blasts" LeBron after Lakers elimination: “Michael Jordan must be chuckling somewhere”...
Nick: 5 reasons why LeBron is the undisputed GOAT, NOT Michael Jordan...
Jalen Rose reacts to LeBron James' pursuit of Michael Jordan fading away in the first round...
湖人對太陽,這場比賽一開始,太陽隊防守核心Jae Crowder,就連吞兩個犯規,所以整個上半場他只打了5分鐘,不過第二次犯規的部份,AD這個動作其實沒有必要,我相信他也不是故意的,不過他也因為這個動...
今天勇士輸球之後,西區8強確定了,我們先簡單聊一下勇士隊的狀況,詳細的部份,我找一天有空的時候再來聊,在薪資爆炸的情況下,沒有打進季後賽我個人認為本季算是失敗的, 雖然球隊中有傷兵,其中包括Jame...
成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: 請訂閱【諾斯】的頻道: ▸https://...
First Take | Stephen A. "on fire" Could LeBron surpass Michael Jordan with Champions this year?...
UNDISPUTED - Skip: "Michael Jordan is much more clutch than LeBron James!"...
UNDISPUTED - Shannon: "GOAT James" is more clutch than Michael Jordan, admits it Skip!!...