just for show 在 I just called to say I love you/ @Stevie Wonder , Feng E 的影片資訊
Arranged by Feng E Tuning: normal The tabs of my arrangements: https://www.musicnotes.com/sheet-mus...
Arranged by Feng E Tuning: normal The tabs of my arrangements: https://www.musicnotes.com/sheet-mus...
In today's video, I'll be listing 12 reasons why I think Taiwan isn't a suitable place to make a mov...
本家:Ado様 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnSW8ian29w MIX:成宮 亮(なりょー) https://twitter.com/naryo_1008 ...
▶️ ติดตามอัพเดตบน Twitter https://twitter.com/Lockon_starfish ⭐️สำหรับใครที่อยากสนับสนุนช่องนี้ในอี...
“Democracy is a failure” - that’s the narrative the Chinese Communist Party has been trying to plant...
Official BILLbilly01 and Proud cover of "deja vu" by Olivia Rodrigo. Subscribe to BILLbilly01: http...
我們全家都很愛吃海鮮,今天要分享一個簡單的食譜卻超級好吃,步驟很簡單跟著我們做絕對讓你隔天早上起床後都還在回味的的蒜蓉炒蝦 食材/調味料: 一斤活沙蝦 一整顆大蒜 兩隻長辣椒 50公克奶油(無鹽) ...
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare!!! https://skl.s...
#翻唱 #思行Derek #思行 #思行翻唱 我早該知道我會一個人離開,只為了證明,你所流的血都只是在還清你過去所欠下的種種。 - 歌詞: I should've known I'd leave a...
For this episode, we destroyed a MASSIVE 6.3KG (14LB) Curry Rice courtesy of Jack’s Kitchen at Old A...