life church 在 Vietnam || Hon Dat District Discovery || Kien Giang Province 的影片資訊
Hon Dat is a rural district of Kien Giang Province in the Mekong River Delta region of Vietnam. The...
Hon Dat is a rural district of Kien Giang Province in the Mekong River Delta region of Vietnam. The...
Why live stressed out when Jesus wants to be your supply and give you a quality life? Sharing libera...
Rach Gia City is the provincial capital of Kien Giang Province, in the Mekong Delta region of Vietna...
Cho Moi is a rural district of An Giang Province, in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. The main c...
Meet LINCOLN, my little brother! It's time we finally talked about my awkward past and Japanese "obs...
Many precious people received healing during our church services. Praying that this video will impar...
這是我們第三支翻譯cover歌曲, 英文版的親愛的聖靈! 這次跟教會敬拜團姊妹們&身邊弟兄姊妹的平台一起合作策展, 用不同創意的方法, 來表達聖靈在我們與我們同在的感受, 希望分享給身邊想要感受溫暖...
去過匈牙利那麼多次,因為有當地朋友帶著,我總是不需要擔心太多更不用計畫要去哪裡。這天因為朋友有事,所以我得自己在布達佩斯過上一天!因為我是自己一個人,儘管許多地方我已經很熟悉,但是感覺還是很不一樣! ...
I dedicate this song to my GRANDMOM! Mommy Fina. :) I love you mommy. The song is SAFE, a brillia...
SHIBA and KOJI「思い出は一生の宝物」 ↓チャンネル登録よろしくね↓ Subscribe: フィレンツェから車で1時間半ほど南にある小さな村「...