long count 在 Unpacking for Fashion Week | Melissa C. Koh 的影片資訊
When it comes to #unpacking, it can sometimes be as crazy as packing. However, I find it largely the...
When it comes to #unpacking, it can sometimes be as crazy as packing. However, I find it largely the...
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遊覽262米高、越南國花造型的胡志明市最高建築——Bitexco金融塔 使用觀景台環繞分佈的觸摸式信息屏和遠程望遠鏡,了解更多的西貢歷史 參觀Ao Dai博物館,了解越南傳統服飾 從距離178米、世界...
Idk why it took so long for me to film a whats on my iphone because i use to feel like i need a new ...
一直很想要再拍GRWM紀錄我自己化妝變身的過程 然後也很想要輕鬆自在的在影片裡和你們說話(你你你你你不要跑) 除夕年以前我要變成面對鏡頭如魚得水的女子(吶喊) 就決定指派大家督促我說話了! 化妝的時...
Hello everyone, Welcome back to my channel! Today I will be sharing some simple skincare tips of how...
sugar + pastel tones + makeup? count me in ? today’s makeup tutorial is on this sweet soft glam insp...
こんにちは!yumeです🌈🌴 私の動画をご視聴頂き、誠にありがとうございます💓 主に旅行・コスメ・美容関係の動画をアップロードしています✨ 歯列矯正について🌸 https://goo.gl/cbjr...
Finally !! the highly requested #Vintage 60s Inspired Makeup Tutorial ft. graphic lashes, flushed ch...
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