love of wisdom 在 Sunday Vlog|在柬埔寨花鉅款拔智齒🦷 I paid a huge sum of money for removing my wisdom teeth?! 的影片資訊
📌 (第一次邊走邊這樣錄影,忘了開防手震,所以有幾個畫面晃到不行請各位見諒) 以前總聽說在國外看醫生很貴、住院很貴、坐救護車就要花一筆 今天終於體驗到什麼叫貴到哭😭 我的智齒屬於平行智齒,也就是躺著...
📌 (第一次邊走邊這樣錄影,忘了開防手震,所以有幾個畫面晃到不行請各位見諒) 以前總聽說在國外看醫生很貴、住院很貴、坐救護車就要花一筆 今天終於體驗到什麼叫貴到哭😭 我的智齒屬於平行智齒,也就是躺著...
This week, The Thirsty Sisters are back with their thoughts on the recent Population Census 2020 sur...
Getting our Tarot Cards Read is all the buzz right now, yes? The Thirsty Sisters are back with anot...
We found the key to make your partners with avoidant attachment styles (aka Nina) cringe and/or cry:...
Two episodes this week? What a treat! In this episode, The Thirsty Sisters take a serious turn to ...
The Thirsty Sisters are back! What have they been up to the past three months? Has dating life been ...
With the right wisdom and understanding, all your problems can be solved—and God gives wisdom libera...
2021/05/28音樂及生命紀實上碼 Alchemist Riddle、 The memory, doesn’t belong The missing part, Burning from th...
When I was a little child, my dad always took us to a fast food division of Chinese Restaurant to ha...
2021/04/05隨筆 「光化與狂喜、瘋癲的智慧」; 「Light body ecstasy、Wisdom of craziness」 /.Music 王大喜(Tasta Wang) Riddl...