obtain from中文 在 台灣政府是如何地與民為敵,利用外媒扭曲事實,出口轉內銷的大內宣,看了你會發抖,一個民選政府怎麼會這樣對待想做公益的郭台銘與台積電? 的影片資訊
不看不知道,一看嚇一跳,在台灣極缺疫苗,有企業願意出來幫忙拯救人命時,我國政府第一個想到的是透過外媒,扭曲事實真相,把功勞歸在自己身上,把陰謀栽在對方身上。 時代雜誌這一篇,在郭台銘和台積電聯手進了...
不看不知道,一看嚇一跳,在台灣極缺疫苗,有企業願意出來幫忙拯救人命時,我國政府第一個想到的是透過外媒,扭曲事實真相,把功勞歸在自己身上,把陰謀栽在對方身上。 時代雜誌這一篇,在郭台銘和台積電聯手進了...
《春はゆく/ marie》 Run Riot 作詞:aimerrhythm 作曲:永澤和真 編曲:玉井健二、百田留衣 歌:Aimer 翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel) 意譯:CH(CH ...
final chapter 感謝大家對盧修斯的支持,我會繼續錄製更多的遊戲,謝謝大家。:D Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth ga...
chapter 16~17 Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes for...
chapter 14~15 Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes for...
Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes form of a six-year...
Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes form of a six-year...
噴火對小孩來說一點都不難 Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes form...
我比爺爺更壞 Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes form of a ...
心控OP,早該用了 Lucius is a psychological horror adventure stealth game in which the player takes form of...