pink lady 在 ♥黑咪遊韓國♥ 敗家 | Espoir + Vidi Vici + VDL 的影片資訊
Product Featured (as I said if there are prices on the boxes, I would type it for your reference, if...
Product Featured (as I said if there are prices on the boxes, I would type it for your reference, if...
又大一歲,開始邁向人生新一頁, 多謝一路上愛護我﹑打撃我﹑鼓勵我﹑嘲笑我的每一位, 因為你們,豐富了我的人生,讓我學到很多。 未來尚有多少日子,我無法預知, 所以,要珍惜活著的每一天,努力做好自己的...
哇真系好一段時間無同大家分享每月最愛了~ 大家系咪都同我一樣甘懷念呢D長奶奶既VIDEO?今次我地真心長氣,長達一個鐘既VIDEO比大家回足味~~正啊!一路化妝一路睇又得,搭車睇解悶又得!Thanks...
JM好耐都無同大家分享過我地既日常既妝容~今次就同大家一次過用 get ready with us 既形式分享一下我地既make up routine~ 不過今次特別點 知道好多朋友都會習慣出街前沖涼...
9月トレンド動画~「シックドールフェイス×くすみカラーeyeで秋メイク」~ +本編メイク動画はこちらから cosmetics used can be found here. http://godma...
Các sản phẩm được nói đến trong video: ♥ Shiseido Tsubaki Yellow Label for Shampoo & Conditional ♥ M...
Các sản phẩm có trong video: Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment Smith's Rosebud Salve MAC Lady Danger Maybel...
同我一樣鐘意 Tiffany Blue 既人唔好錯過GIVEAWAY啊!:) ► Facebook : ► Instag...
Expand for products information and GIVEAWAY rules! From Target: Batman Can Hugger CoverGirl Clum...
Credit: Song 1 - 願一生仰望神 Song 2 - 一個平凡的承諾 Long Time! 終於和大家見面啦,三月份轉新公司所以非常忙碌,難得四月份乘復活節假...