places in hong kong 在 #99 流記三大神魚之首 -- 金鼓 我哋今日去挑機『香港釣魚 : 艇釣』流浮山蠔排 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕} 的影片資訊
流記三大神魚之首 -- 金鼓 我哋今日去挑機『香港釣魚 : 艇釣』流浮山蠔排 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕} Rafts Fishing for Spotted Scat in Lau Fou Shan [...
流記三大神魚之首 -- 金鼓 我哋今日去挑機『香港釣魚 : 艇釣』流浮山蠔排 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕} Rafts Fishing for Spotted Scat in Lau Fou Shan [...
Kyoto is famous for its "Traditional Crafts" (also known as Japanese Crafts) and whilst I was there ...
Stay safe everyone ❤️ PLACES TO FIND ME: Instagram: Pint...
sorry for my bad English. This video showed how life changed in 2 most crowded places in Hong Kong, ...
#意大利 #歐洲 #羅馬 #Italy #Rome #Roma #旅行 #香港YOUTUBER 這一天,不匆也不忙,我在意大利「永恆之城」〜羅馬,慢慢隨心走走 ?彷彿回到了昔日的時空與國度⋯⋯ ?...
Following old postcards of Macau, me and my friend explore the places that have changed the most ove...
Hello guys, this is a video of me and my family traveling to Hong Kong between January 11-13th. We v...
Press CC for English subtitles & 中文字幕 Happy new years everyone! 大家新年快樂!I haven't posted in awhile ...
第二天我們去了Clifford Tower和Castle Museum 特別是Castle Museum,我們兩個一致認為最值得去的景點!! PS:有朋友說過Yorkshire Pudding是鬼佬油...
困擾著無數留學生的終極問題終於能解決了!! 踏入英國的秋天,除了日照時間越來越短之外, 天氣也變得越來越冷了,大家喜歡秋天嗎? 此時來杯熱咖啡最適合不過 (廢話 毛毛一年360日都在喝咖啡 來了三個...