print to pdf 在 《Sweetness overload 甜蜜湯圓》粉彩畫教學 pastel art tutorial 的影片資訊
可觀看影片自製形版,或Facebook/Instagram/MeWe私訊Shel購買pdf檔案列印形版~ Draw your own stencils (demonstration in video)...
可觀看影片自製形版,或Facebook/Instagram/MeWe私訊Shel購買pdf檔案列印形版~ Draw your own stencils (demonstration in video)...
唔知你有冇試過,喺 iPhone 上面,想 Print 份 PDF 再 Send 出去俾人?好多朋友都以為要下載 app 先至做到,今日就等我話你聽,原來每部 iPhone 都已經內置左呢個功能㗎喇!...
最新嘅科技資料、潮流玩意,都有《Z世代達人》麥卓華到處搜羅送到你面前! 之前同大家介紹過用手機影相再轉PDF既做法。之後收到有觀眾問,如果在手機網頁瀏覽器想 Print to PDF 又有無計? 今...
First video in a series describing my work on the new "Yuragi" comic that I will be publishing onlin...
UPDATE for my book is available from the following link!!!!!
You will have difficulty understanding what people are saying at convenience stores.....unless you w...
This video explains the difference between MAJI DE(まじで) and MAJI KA(まじか) in Japanese. UPDATE for my...
TEXTBOOK AVAILABLE!!! In this video I introduced 2 Japanese swear w...
UPDATE for my book is available from the following link!!!!!
UPDATE for my book is available from the following link!!!!!