pronunciation app 在 5 steps to learn a language from scratch 的影片資訊
A question I get asked often - what steps to take when just starting with a language? ——— 1. Start...
A question I get asked often - what steps to take when just starting with a language? ——— 1. Start...
Welcome to the answer to the question I've been asked precisely 75,648,061 times to date! I am proud...
[English subs: press CC] Sziasztok! Lindie vagyok. Két hónapja magyarul tanulok. A magyar nagyon szé...
You guys asked for more language videos, you're gonna get more language videos! :D Other languages a...
Szia! I have exciting news - I have decided to start learning Hungarian! A language that, 5 days ago...
➡️ Đăng ký khóa học phát âm online (chương trình cô mới update):
【一個專為香港人而設的廣東話課程】 ➜更多內容: 讓廣東話發揚光大! 【中英夾雜變中「日」夾雜】究竟會變成什麼樣子??...
【一個專為香港人而設的廣東話課程】 ➜更多內容: 讓廣東話發揚光大! 【廣東話教學】打招呼的說話!別輕視它,道地說法超...
ใครชอบฟังเพลงฝรั่งยกมือขึ้น!! จะดีกว่านี้ไหมถ้าเราสามารถฟังเพลงไปด้วย ฝึกทักษะภาษาอังกฤษไปด้วย? วันน...
TRANSLATION: Hello. My name is Lin Mei Han. That's my Chinese name. English is Lindie. I am South A...