Miki Gorai公式ホームページはコチラ You don't need anything. All you need to prepare i...
適合新手至中階的背肌訓練: 公園:引體上升+斜身划船+輔助引體上升 家中需要工具才能有效訓練背肌:啞鈴/槓鈴/阻力帶 單手划船+雙手划船+龍旗 FITDEVMO私人訓練 詳情 ► https:/...
Hi guys, little series of exercises focusing on back muscle. Follow this simple exercises once weekl...
*Closed Caption is available in this video* How to set up your home gym with simple equipments Add...
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I've been happier than ever lately. Lots of peace and happiness. Kyle has been a huge part of my str...
New partner up workout video. What you need for this full body workout: * Rowing machine, * Glidin...
Miki Goraiの公式ホームページはこちら 2018年正月太りサヨナラFull body Resistance band 7 Exercise vo...