scrape 在 【三餸一湯食譜】節瓜蝦米粉絲煲 的影片資訊
食譜: 材料: 節瓜 (大) 1條 粉絲 1包 蝦米 1湯匙 薑片 4片 蒜片 6片 水 100毫升 鹽 適量 調味: 蠔油 1湯匙 糖 1茶匙 做...
食譜: 材料: 節瓜 (大) 1條 粉絲 1包 蝦米 1湯匙 薑片 4片 蒜片 6片 水 100毫升 鹽 適量 調味: 蠔油 1湯匙 糖 1茶匙 做...
食譜: 材料: 薯仔 3個 合桃 50克 眉豆 50克 紅棗 4粒 薑 2片 陳皮 1/4塊 步驟: 1.眉豆浸水30分鐘;薯仔去皮及切件;陳皮浸軟後...
Today we're going to show you how to make the incredibly crispy, buttery and melt in your mouth Fren...
Stories by Alex Lam written in 1992...
余ったら小分けにして冷凍しておくと便利。ソフリットも冷凍できます。 【材料】 ・オリーブオイル 50ml ・にんにく 1かけ ・玉ねぎ 200g ・にんじん 100g ・セロリ 50g ・塩 ひ...
Quick Miso Pickled Vegetables (Sokuseki Misozuke) which can make while you cook rice 😋 You can use ...
Hi, everyone. :) Today we'll show you how to make the most hottest dessert : Basque Burnt Cheesecake...
We made cute earrings and a necklace shaped like swiss cheese in the microwave. We did our best to s...
This soup if what we all need to beat the weather now!! And it’s really simple to make just follow m...
Hi, everyone :) today we'll show you how to make a creamy, smooth and shiny peanut butter and a deli...