see you soon回覆 在 SPECIAL BARNYARD FIND & EMC VINTAGE SERIES DROP!| EMC復古系列來了!老庫房尋寶去! 的影片資訊
EMC Vintage series tees and cap drops now! Go get yours while it lasts! Remember to use the coupon c...
EMC Vintage series tees and cap drops now! Go get yours while it lasts! Remember to use the coupon c...
還沒有追蹤我IG的趕快去找我~❤️ ➕帳號 stellalaii➕ ----------------------------...
簡介|intro 不小心找到這支一年前我和某男還是情同手足的時候拍下的Q&A影片,又不小心在Instagram上問了大家想不想看,不小心收到很多回覆說想看,所以就不小心把這一支剪出來了~ 邊剪邊害羞...
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