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拉娜康多金燦華麗的大膽紅唇妝容 ► 德國模特兒托妮加恩 Toni Garrn 在 Vogue Taiwan 的〈大明星化妝間〉中一步步教你如何完成...
How do cool tones eyeshadows look on Indian Skin Tone | ABH Sultry Palette | Cool Toned Looks Revie...
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Let's Grow with BOGUS #1 แต่งหน้ากรอบม่วง ลวงให้รัก #PrideMonthMakeup ? List สิ่งที่ใช้ในคลิป+ลิงก...
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Ahhhh! This one’s a long one. Grab some snacks and chill with me! Here’s a makeup tutorial + product...
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Sephora Cream Lip Stain Review + Swatches | 7 Shades | Are they mask proof? Last Video: https://yout...
Hey guys, here’s another makeup video for the winter festive season. This time I did a full on make...
Best Highend Makeup Products (Face) | Black Friday Recommendations | Highend Product Recommendations...