so glam 在 蝦皮韓國彩妝𝑮𝑹𝑾𝑴 𝐯𝐨𝐥.𝟐🐿CLIO十色眼影盤/hince彩色眼線液.打亮/AMUSE唇釉/Dasique眼影盤 | heyitsmindy 的影片資訊
instagram: ————————————— 嗨大家好👋🏻 今天的影片又是我在蝦皮買的 一!堆!韓!系!彩!妝!...
instagram: ————————————— 嗨大家好👋🏻 今天的影片又是我在蝦皮買的 一!堆!韓!系!彩!妝!...
?Please like this video if you enjoyed it :) ?Facebook Page: ...
Sharing with you guys a simple makeup tutorial that is super simple and versatile, great for your ca...
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These are pretty much all my affordable/drugstore favorites(except the tinted hydrator, but honestly...
Don't forget to subscribe :) & follow me on instagram tiktok @tessc...
【字幕採cc格式,可以自由點按觀看】 Hi我是春春 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱+按小鈴鐺 我們下支影片再見! 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 ▏
こんにちは♡Shioneです! 今回は気分が下がりがちなのでがっつり濃いメイクをしました♡ 私のチャンネルではメイク・ファッション・ネイル・購入品・お気に入りのアイテムなど私の好きな物やオススメの...
Hey guys, this is my first transformation get ready with me video! I only had 30 minutes so I was a ...
Hey, lovelies! So, today I brought out my Himalayan Birkin babies to get glammed up! I know a lot of...