the laundress 在 Aveda深層清潔頭皮療程 + 黑咪店超多新產品 | 黑咪 的影片資訊
今日試Aveda深層清潔頭皮療程,雖然試一次個感覺唔太大,但係都想同大家分享過程同埋一次個感覺! 未來日子繼續做就再vlog做多幾次個用後感! 另外就係黑咪店好多新產品返咗,我又同店長好快同大家講下~...
今日試Aveda深層清潔頭皮療程,雖然試一次個感覺唔太大,但係都想同大家分享過程同埋一次個感覺! 未來日子繼續做就再vlog做多幾次個用後感! 另外就係黑咪店好多新產品返咗,我又同店長好快同大家講下~...
◂◂ 影片中提到的東西Products I mentioned▸▸ Sebamed Baby Bubble Bath IOPE BIO ESSENCE...
這次愛用品有比較多開架彩妝唷~ ✌ More Catie ⇊ --------------------------------------------------- Blog: http://h...
Hope you enjoy this #monthlyfavourties so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos ...
Hope you enjoy this #monthlyfavs so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week...
哪裡買: 喜歡的話幫我點個讚 要記得訂閱我的頻道喔 Instagram同步發摟~
▽▽▽產品清單請點開信息欄▽▽▽ Find Me: ◎微博:@假大大 ◎Instagram: @appleappleausten ◎Youku:@假大大 ✉️Email: appleausten92...
Products Featured:- Jo Malone Scented Candle in Pomegranate Noir [Jo Malone] Jo Malone Scented Can...
Products Featured:- La Mer The Hydrating Facial Available at La Mer Review:
6月的VOGUE Royal Club頂級會員聚會,這次要教頂級會員如何對待自己珍惜的高級衣物,讓這些高級衣物能陪伴大家更長更久~ 現在就加入【VOGUE Royal Club】 http://bit...