world public library 在 在芝加哥的第一個月☀️看新公寓, Lovevery玩具開箱, Ian四個月大收涎✨ Apartment Hunting║Vlog 24 的影片資訊
🌟嗨! 謝謝你點進這支影片🌟 最日常的那種,想好好紀錄每個階段的我們☺️ 喜歡的話按個喜歡訂閱一下, see you in the next one!!! 🌵Lovevery玩具社團: https...
🌟嗨! 謝謝你點進這支影片🌟 最日常的那種,想好好紀錄每個階段的我們☺️ 喜歡的話按個喜歡訂閱一下, see you in the next one!!! 🌵Lovevery玩具社團: https...
Hi 大家,久違的花生醬評比影片又來啦! 為了買齊五國不同的花生醬,花了我一點時間蒐集, 也讓我買了幾罐都忍很久不開(為此請給一個讚吧/笑) 而這次要吃的五國分別是:加拿大 New World、荷...
☺SUBSCRIBE 訂閱: #EmiTransform ► turn on notifications for new videos eve...
My parents always taught us that a kind act as little as buying food for the needy matters hugely! T...
Hi! My name is Ting Ting. I’m an Australian, I live in Kaohsiung and my mission is to share Taiwan w...
趁著學校開始放假,終於把第3集生出來啦~ 這集吃了超多美食,也去了好多地方亂逛 Pasticceria Rocco的閃電泡芙真的巨好吃!下次一定要掃個10個回來 Dough Doughnuts的洛神花...
►Join me as I explore THAIFEX - World of Food Asia 2018 - The largest and multi-sensory show that se...
Melbourne snapshots: State Library of Victoria: Established in 1854 as the Melbourne Public Library...