【#台灣模式 online 】
今天是指揮中心成立 #100天 💯
還有 #每一個願意配合的你妳
#因應武漢肺炎國際分享專區 英文版也上線啦
想要快速找 #國際媒體報導、#台灣模式防疫經驗
或是想要在 #社群媒體 上@外國捧油來圍觀
#連續三O 👌
Just over a week ago we told you an English-version of the dedicated #WuhanCoronavirus resources section on our website was in the pipeline and today, on the 100th day since the Central Epidemic Command Center was set up, we’re happy to announce that it’s now online! This easy-to-search archive of international media coverage, videos, social media posts and details of the substantive and effective measures put in place over this period as part of the #TaiwanModel is perfect for sharing with your friends back home. What better way to show your gratitude for the efforts of front-line medical staff in Taiwan? Why not check it out now?
#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping
折麼u質的防疫資訊專區能不用嗎 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
【#因應武漢肺炎國際分享專區 上線囉‼️】
自從中國 #武漢肺炎 爆發以來
五花八門的詢問和建議滿天飛 (回到手軟~
為了讓外粉更有效率搜尋到 (小編告別板機指
#臺灣模式 民主抗疫治理經驗
讓大家可以快速與世界各地的朋友分享 💞
#魔法部 在這裡宣布 🥁🥁🥁
無論你是要找 #國際媒體報導
或是與國內外友人分享 #臺灣模式防疫經驗
還是 #社群媒體 上最夯的防疫資訊
這裡通~通~有~ 😉
#快去找找是否有你愛的網紅 😍
#英文版近期上線 (敬請期待
MOFA is working on an English version of its all-new dedicated #WuhanCoronavirus resources section. The section will feature international media reports, multimedia and press releases on #Taiwan’s response to the virus! If you can read Chinese, you can get a taster of what it’s like at the link below!