四年一度世界盃,大家「攞正牌」熬夜看足球, 睡眠時間少質素也欠佳,加上「睇波三寶」薯片、杯麵及啤酒助興,第二朝起身趕返工如行屍走肉般,頭痛、眼乾、黑眼圈、出暗瘡、口乾、口氣、生痱滋、消化不良、小便偏黃、大便偏乾(粒粒屎),甚至便秘症狀總有幾款,精神狀態仿如靈魂出竅。
- 飲食宜清淡,多喝湯水、粥品
- 避免進食辛辣、煎炸油膩食物
- 少喝咖啡、奶茶
- 將「睇波三寶」換成新鮮生果、生果脆片、果仁、乳酪、綠茶、花茶
- 多吃清熱滋陰食材如花旗參、菊花、蜂蜜、雪梨等
1. 雪耳泡水至發大,剪去蒂並撕成小塊備用;百合及蓮子洗淨;木瓜去皮去籽切大塊備用。
2. 雪耳、百合、蓮子及木瓜放入鍋中,加水至蓋過所有材料,武火煮至水滾,改文火加蓋煮30-40分鐘,加入適量冰糖調味煮至溶化即可。
You need to clear heat and nourish yin if you are watching world cup late at night
World cup happens every four years so everyone has the good reason to stay up to watch the games. You sleep less and coupled with snacks like chips, instant noodles and beer during the game. You are practically a walking zombie the next morning with a headache, dry eyes, dark eye circles, pimples, dry mouth, bad breath, canker sores, indigestion, yellowish urine, dry stool, or even constipation. Your overall energy is zapped.
People naturally should be active during the day and rest at night as your yang qi is activated in the day time. Resting at night is to stop your yang qi from staying activated, so staying up at night leads to yang not converting to yin. Chinese medicine believes late nights can hurt yin and yin deficiency leads to heat in body. The symptoms above means yin deficient body constitution so be careful not to drink a lot of cool herbal tea to clear heat as you may further hurt your yin. You need to clear heat as well as nourish yin to balance the two.
If you can't avoid staying up to watch the games, then adjust your dietary habits accordingly:
- have lighter meald with more soup and congee
- avoid spicy, fried and oily foods
- drink less coffee and milk tea
- have fruits, fruit chips, nuts, yogurt, green tea or floral tea during games
- have more ingredients that clear heat and nourish yin such as American ginseng, chrysanthemum, honey, pear, etc
Recommended dessert soup:
Papaya soup with snow fungus and lily bulbs
Effects: clears heat and nourishes yin, moisturizes skin, clears heat related to frequent late nights
Ingredients: 1 snow fungus, 15g lily bulbs, 60g fresh lotus seeds with core (20g if dried), 1 midsize papaya, rock sugar to taste
1. Soak snow fungus in water until it expands. Cut off the stem and rip into small pieces. Rinse lily bulbs and lotus seeds. Peel papaya, remove seeds and cut into large pieces.
2. Place snow fungus, lily bulbs, lotus seeds into pot and add enough water to submerge all ingredients. Cook on high heat until boiling and turn to low heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add in rock sugar and cook until it has melted.
#男 #女 #陰虛 #我枯燥 #熬夜 #失眠
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 金羅漢果菊花茶 材料: 金羅漢果半個 菊花30克 程序: 1. 在養生壺內加入清水1.7升。 2. 加入菊花及羅漢果。 3. 用“花茶”功能,煲10分鐘。 4. 完成,可享用。 Golden monk fruit chrysanth...
木瓜糖水功效 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳解答
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
1. 在養生壺內加入清水1.7升。
2. 加入菊花及羅漢果。
3. 用“花茶”功能,煲10分鐘。
4. 完成,可享用。
Golden monk fruit chrysanthemum tea
Golden monk fruit half No.
Chrysanthemum 30g
1. Fill the health pot with water 1.7L.
2. Put chrysanthemum and monk fruit.
3. Use "scented tea" function, boil for 10 minutes.
4. Complete. Serve.
?凍飲 / 熱飲☕/ 煲嘢飲?
1. 南瓜露 電飯煲糖水https://youtu.be/5UieUzG_WvU
2. 清潤蘋果水https://youtu.be/RaNVtc52OeY
3. 魚腥草 聲沙喉痛消炎https://youtu.be/9-ByxItzypM
4. 土茯苓 去濕毒 濕疹救星https://youtu.be/MicM4DxDT9Y
5. 青木瓜水 治療膝痛 擺脫痛風https://youtu.be/G91vn8NHoPY
6. 老黃瓜去濕 大暑煲佢https://youtu.be/a6b8KBBt3tY
7. 荔枝椰果爽 養顏https://youtu.be/IgZ8i2s7864 京都千八
8. 紫米露 美顏滋潤https://youtu.be/S1PeIJq1UJY
9. 山楂蘋果 開胃消滯https://youtu.be/-ohpYv5YIyg
10. 洛神花 降壓 養眠https://youtu.be/cfDLGy-9d6k
11 . 粉葛去濕https://youtu.be/p3OGjJrJZ_8
12. 南瓜珍珠
13. 楊梅山楂 解暑消滯https://youtu.be/UuUdbmw6xeI
14. 山楂 降血脂https://youtu.be/0xZy3wdkDWA
15.酸梅湯 消暑下火 https://youtu.be/KEWGOiw4T90
16. 秋冬滋潤茶
17. 安睡茶 洛神圓肉https://youtu.be/dTOCFaY2AqU
18. 預防感冒https://youtu.be/C-0f1I3KGEU
19. 脹肚消滯茶https://youtu.be/_Qvr2zLxMVs
20 . 牛大力土茯苓 解毒去濕https://youtu.be/MsS2zWNOim8
21. 黑豆桑枝 周身骨痛https://youtu.be/iCHrygjXotY
22. 預防麻疹 有根有據https://youtu.be/Bcqjd3oCTiA
23. 消脂排毒養顏抗氧化https://youtu.be/6AESIM2D4Kg
24. 冰涼綠茶益力多 消脂美白 抗氧化https://youtu.be/xhbm_icm9RE
25. 大暑小暑必飲https://youtu.be/kPPMCDA7HmE
26. 蜜糖苦瓜汁 清熱解毒 倉倉豆豆拜拜https://youtu.be/kzT81aDn880
27.洛神花蘋果 助睡通便https://youtu.be/_l-vFt_DKjQ
28.綠豆 急救湯https://youtu.be/toEc-53Ow_A
29.. 菊花檸檬蜜 護膚美顏https://youtu.be/iVyUx94NZlc
30.蜜糖菊花鮮檸檬 美白清熱
31. 港式奶茶 茶餐廳技巧https://youtu.be/bsH1NbxoYJY
32. 凍檸茶 靚過餐廳https://youtu.be/bsH1NbxoYJY
33. 強肺 羅漢果https://youtu.be/VtqVpdTf1Xo
34. 菠蘿冰 贏曬https://youtu.be/s66LOKN8piQ
35. 玫瑰杞子 消除壓力https://youtu.be/lcNND3lQDqI
36. 龍鬚 神仙果 寶中寶https://youtu.be/hu1_x4v7c-w
37. 圓肉花旗參茶

木瓜糖水功效 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最佳貼文
足本訪問: https://bit.ly/3djiXJi
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#雪梨糖水 #雪耳木瓜 #養顏食物
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