For those who are using diesel cars, you can try WILITA Rare Earth Gasoline Catalyst products!
Although diesel cars are not as common nowadays, I still have a friend that owns a diesel car and I heard it requires a lot of maintenance. That's why, I gifted my friend WILITA Rare Earth Gasoline Catalyst products to help to clean engine components and reduce maintenance frequency. It also helps to reduce vehicle fuel consumption and save fuel by 8~10%. Just simply add the product to the fuel tank before refueling, which is simple, convenient and fast!
#WILITA #威力特 #稀土元素助燃添加劑 #積碳清除 #噴油嘴清潔劑 #積碳殘膠軟化 #省油節能
FB Account: Wilita Taiwan
積碳殘膠軟化 在 DPF清洗教學WILITA威力特積碳清除專家 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
【WILITA 威力特】柴油DPF清潔活化組DPF清潔活化再生釋放馬力 積碳 清除環保節能※請認 ... 鬆脫及 軟化 的煙塵及微碳粒, 再透過公路駕駛或電腦強制再生, ... ... <看更多>