菠菜 — 性涼,味甘,具有通腸胃、開胸膈、解酒毒及養血的作用,適合習慣性便秘、大便乾結、痔瘡便血者食用。因為性涼,脾胃虛寒及大便稀薄者不可多吃。
豆腐 — 性涼,味甘,豆腐以黃豆及石膏粉配製而成,石膏粉屬性偏涼,所以豆腐屬性也會稍微偏涼。具益氣寬中、生津潤燥的功效,適合身體虛弱、氣血雙虧、營養不良人士食用。因為性涼,慢性胃寒病人、脾胃虛寒及大便稀薄者不宜多吃。
You cannot eat spinach and tofu together?
Whenever you eat hotpot, your mom may stop you from adding spinach to cooked tofu claiming those two cannot be eaten together. Her explanation is that oxalic acid in spinach and calcium in mixed together will form calcium oxalate, which will lead to kidney stones! Is that true?
Calcium oxalate is one of the main components of kidney stones, but it does not mean that eating spinach and tofu at the same time will lead to kidney stones. Calcium oxalate formed from eating tofu and spinach together can not be absorbed by the human body and will be excreted through the excretory system. Picky eating habits, drinking too little water and excessive intake of calcium are the main causes of kidney stones, so don't worry about eating spinach and tofu at the same time.
Both spinach and tofu are healthy, delicious and affordable. They are cold in nature. You should appropriately consume according your body condition. Spinach can nourish blood and loosen the bowels. Tofu can nourish qi, relieve qi stagnation, promote fluid production and relieve dryness. However, those with asthenic spleen and stomach should not eat too much spinach and tofu at the same time to avoid abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by coldness.
Spinach - Cold in nature and sweet. It can loosen the bowels, open chest, relieve hangover and nourish blood. It is suitable for chronic constipation, dry stool, hemorrhoids, and blood in stool . As it is cold in nature, those with asthenic spleen and stomach and loose stools should eat less.
Tofu - Cold in nature and sweet. Tofu is made by soya bean and gypsum powder. As gypsum powder is cold in nature, the tofu is relatively cold in nature. It can nourish qi, relieve qi stagnation, promote fluid production and relieve dryness. It is suitable for those with weak body, qi and blood deficiency and those who are malnutritioned. As it is cold in nature, those with chronic cold stomach, asthenic spleen and stomach and loose stools should eat less.
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聞腎結石而色變 #其實是大家想太多了 #星期四食材菠菜豆腐不能同吃? 打邊爐的時候,當鍋裡已有煮好的豆腐又想加入菠菜時,就被媽媽阻止並說:「菠菜 ... ... <看更多>
聞腎結石而色變 在 腎結石飲食禁忌2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的推薦與評價
聞腎結石而色變 #其實是大家想太多了 #星期四食材菠菜豆腐不能同吃? 打邊爐的時候,當鍋裡已有煮好的豆腐又想加入菠菜時,就被媽媽阻止並說:「菠菜 ... ... <看更多>
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explore #腎結石at Facebook. ... 肉不要吃太多 :高蛋白質飲食會增加尿中的草酸和尿酸並造成結石。 ... 對於多數男性是個聞之色變的話題。 腎結石是泌尿系統結石當中 ... ... <看更多>