杏仁奶 — 杏仁性平,有潤肺、潤腸通便功效,尤其適合肺氣虛弱人士飲用;注意感冒未清者、容易反覆腹瀉者都不適合飲用。
腰果奶 — 腰果性平,有健脾開胃、潤肺補氣的功效,適合任何體質人士飲用。
榛子奶 — 榛子性溫,有健脾養胃的功效,尤其適合脾胃虛寒、容易反覆腹瀉人士。
核桃奶 — 核桃性熱,能補腎固精、益氣養血、潤腸通便,很適合產後婦女食用,核桃含有豐富營養元素,如優質蛋白及油脂,當中的油脂可滋潤肌膚及腸胃,促進腸胃消化預防便秘。
開心果奶 — 開心果性溫,有溫腎暖脾、潤腸通便的功效,老少咸宜,適合氣滯者、寒底人士因胃寒引致的胃痛不適、腹脹及常嘆氣人士食用。
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Which nut milk suits you better?
Plant based milk has become very popular in recent years. Plant based milk is a milk substitute made from nuts, grains, seeds, and beans. Different types of nuts can be used to produce drinks of different flavors, but are they suitable for everyone? From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, we can determine the suitability based on the nature of the nuts:
Almond milk - almonds are mild in nature. They can moisten the lungs, moisten the bowels to relieve constipation, and are especially suitable for those with asthenic lung qi. Note that it is not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu and those who are prone to frequent diarrhea.
Cashew milk - cashews are mild in nature. They strengthen the stomach and improve appetite, moisten lungs and replenish qi. Suitable for all body types.
Hazelnut milk - hazelnuts are mild in nature. They strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. Suitable for all body types. It is especially suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.
Walnut milk - walnuts are hot in nature, can replenish the kidneys, strengthen qi and nourish blood, and moisten the bowels to relieve constipation. It is very suitable for postpartum women. Walnuts are very nutritious with high levels of protein and lipids. The lipids can also moisten your skin and bowels, improve digestion to relieve constipation.
Pistachio milk - pistachios are warm in nature. They can warm the kidneys and spleen, moisten bowels to relieve constipation. It is suitable for the entire family, those with qi stagnation and cold nature body types. Suitable for cold stomach symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and bloating, and frequent sighing.
Homemade nut milk
Ingredients: 1 cup of nuts (can mix and match), 3 cups of boiled water
Methods: Wash the nuts and soak them in water between 2-6 hours (depending on how hard the nuts are). Then, pour away the water. Add boiled water into the nuts, blend them at a high speed, and turn them into a paste. Use a sieve to remove the large bits of nuts and retrieve the nut milk. The residue can be baked into biscuits.
*Nuts with skin will have a bitter taste. It will be good to boil them in water for 20-30 minutes before soaking them
* Adjust the ratio of the nuts and water according to personal preference
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#男 #女 #我疲憊 #我畏冷 #氣虛 #陽虛 #氣滯 #腹瀉
開心果功效 在 小秘書Jancy Facebook 的最讚貼文
開心果功效 在 Nana 媽媽 × 藍哥。璦妹。礥弟 Facebook 的最佳貼文
平日工作太忙,返到屋企🏠都差唔多 8點,湊埋小朋友瞓覺再 me time 一下,攪到好夜先瞓覺。休息時間少,運動又唔多,原來好大機會出現膽固醇過高嘅問題😨。
教學班邀請咗梁祖堯同我哋一齊煮嘢食👨🏻🍳,同場仲有 3 位香港心贜專科醫生🩺 (陳穎思醫生、陳裕豪醫生、范瑜恩醫生),分享飲食、心臟、膽固醇及健康資訊💬。梁祖堯就教我哋整咗三款低鹽低糖、高纖及零反式脂肪嘅健康菜式😋:紅石榴芒果 salsa🥭、低脂肉醬意粉🍝、楓糖漿班戟🥞。
🔸️紅石榴芒果 salsa:紅石榴有豐富花青素,具有極高嘅抗氧化功效。而且仲可以減少壞膽固醇之氧化,有助預防心血管疾病。
大家一邊煮食,一邊擁躍問問題🗨,獲益良多,增加我對膽固醇嘅認識。原來膽固醇過高唔一定出現喺肥胖人士身上,就算好似我咁瘦,都有機會發生㗎😲,嚴重的話更會令血管收窄,引致心血管疾病!而多食「好👍🏻」膽固醇,就有助清除血管內嘅「壞👎🏻」膽固醇。另外,唔講唔知,原來成年人過咗二十歲,就應該每四至六年做一次抽血檢💉,#唔好因為年紀輕而忽略呢個問題 呀!
以後,我一定要多注意食材嘅選擇,煮多 d 可降膽固醇嘅食物,為自己同埋屋企人建立一個更健康嘅飲食習慣🥰。
#香港心臟專科學院 #膽固醇 #網上煮食教學 #健康飲食 #三高一低 #hkfood #cooking #cookingmama #烹飪 #煮食 #hkmama #hkmom #hkmamablogger #親子
開心果功效 在 抗氧化的功效,還能可以降低黃斑 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
近年開心果成為飲食潮流,雪糕、蛋糕都推出了開心果的口味。開心果除了帶有特別的清新味道,同時亦含有豐富的營養價值。 開心果 ... ... <看更多>
開心果功效 在 每週吃2把开心果,讓你遠離这5大疾病!輕鬆吃出健康! 的推薦與評價
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