【加拿大訓練之旅 第21天-和鐵哥的約騎之賽道檢視】
鐵哥只騎到今天,剛好我也要上山動一動,我們就一起搭纜車上到Top Of The World,路線安排滿充實的,從綠線到紅線等級的路線都有,我們下山跑了二十幾公里呢!可以說是一個Enduro Epic ride!Khyber Pass-Upper Babylon By Bike(紅線,影片裡有一個陡降接一個超大岩石落差)-Lower Babylon By Bike-See Colours and Puke-High Side-HiHi-Highline-Farside-Riverside,最後出來是Function Junction,這裡有一間惠絲樂啤酒工廠喔!非常惠絲樂「招牌」的地方,可以來買買紀念品,我想這是從Top Of The World下來CP值最高的路線吧!
來看看影片吧!前半段是和鐵哥騎車的記錄,後半段是去看賽道和週邊的林道騎乘喔~Enjoy it!
khyber pass 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的精選貼文
遇到這一些many consider to be uncivilized or undercivilized的行為,最差的回應方法,是氣急敗壞的痛罵,或板起面孔嚴斥。高手的回應手法,in Uncle Siu’s humble opinion,is to show that you’re above it - that you’re too civilized and cultured to be offended by it. And use humour.
美國前總統George W Bush七年前在記者會被伊拉克記者丟臭鞋後,just seconds after ducking and dodging the shoes,他說:If you want some facts, it’s a size 10 shoe that he threw. 雖然是美國人,但頗有英式幽默的味道。
英國那邊呢?前工黨leader Ed Miliband被掉雞蛋,他輕描淡寫的道:I’ve always been looking for new ways to connect with voters. 輕鬆、幽默、正面,是個好好的示範。蕭叔叔看過最搞笑的回應,是美國前加州州長阿諾舒華辛力加,被掉雞蛋後,他說:This guy owes me bacon。
另外,倫敦市長Boris Johnson早幾天在保守黨的party conference場地外遇到示威者,被丟水彈雞蛋,沒被丟中,之後他在conference內演講說:
As I came into the conference area yesterday we had to go through a kind of Khyber pass with protestors on either side hurling eggs and water bombs. Perhaps some of you had the same experience. Were we intimidated? No. Will we give up our plans to take this country forward? No. Will we surrender to the hard-left agitators – supported by Jeremy Corbyn – who believe in these tactics and want to divide this society? No. In fact I drew only one conclusion – that we need to do more to encourage sport in schools, because they managed to miss their target with every projectile.
絕妙的回應,幽默、搞笑,表達自己 not offended,not affected,仲有閒情串對方眼界差。這就是高手。這位市長先生,經常妙語連珠,想學習英式說話藝術的朋友,不妨多留意他。
作者簡介:蕭愷一,AKA蕭叔叔。夢想做男神,現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱份子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者。以 speak English like an educated native 為教與學的終極目標。Facebook.com/unclesiu
Photo credit: Mirror Online
khyber pass 在 JOE's 台勞日誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文
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khyber pass 在 Khyber Pass | mountain pass, Pakistan-Afghanistan | Britannica 的相關結果
Khyber Pass, most northerly and important of the passes between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The pass connects Kābul with Peshāwar. The pass has historically ... ... <看更多>
khyber pass 在 The Khyber Pass | National Geographic Society 的相關結果
The Khyber Pass, described by Kipling as "a sword cut through the mountains" is a narrow gap through the formidable Hindu Kush range. ... <看更多>
khyber pass 在 Khyber Pass - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Khyber Pass (خیبر درہ)is a mountain pass in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, on the border with Afghanistan (Nangarhar Province). ... <看更多>