牛津辭典2019年選出的年度關鍵字,由「氣候緊急」(Climate Emergency)拔得頭籌,成為使用度最高的字辭,不僅顯示大眾對氣候變遷的意識提升,更代表氣候危機正在全球發生。究竟氣候變遷是什麼?它是怎麼造成的?對你我生活又帶來哪些影響?
「氣候變遷」(Climate Change)是都市傳說嗎?也許大部分的人都聽過,卻不見得知道它正在發生。這個在聯合國會議的決策中時常被提起的關鍵字,我們真的知道它是什麼意思嗎?[4]
許多人對於氣候變遷的認識,是從2006年上映的紀錄片「不願面對的真相」(An Inconvenient Truth),得知全球暖化(Global Warming)現象,指的是大氣和海洋中的溫室氣體過量(包括二氧化碳、甲烷、水蒸氣、氧化亞氮),使地球猶如被籠罩在厚厚的溫室中,太陽照射的熱量難以散去,導致溫度升高,引發各種極端天氣如乾旱、暴雨、熱浪等[4]。
NASA定義,全球暖化是過去一個世紀地表平均氣溫異常迅速增加的現象;而聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC)於 2018年出版的1.5℃特別報告中解釋,由大氣觀測資料可知,全球暖化指全球地表平均氣溫在30年期間快速增加。
總體而言,全球暖化是地球氣候系統的長期發熱,通常被測量為地球表面氣溫的平均增加。根據IPCC於2013年發布的第5次評估報告(Fifth Assessment Report,AR5)指出,自1880到2012年,全球平均氣溫上升0.85℃,且正以數十年到數千年前所未有的速度發展,此全球暖化的現象極有可能(超過95%的可能性)是自工業革命以來,人類活動(主要是化石燃料燃燒)增加地球大氣中的溫室氣體導致的。而根據「臺灣氣候變遷科學報告2017」指出臺灣全年氣溫在1900-2012年上升約1.3℃,且近50年、近10年增溫有加速的趨勢。
地球暖化與極端天氣事件(extreme weather events)例如:風暴、洪水、乾旱、熱浪)逐年增加增強,已嚴重侵害人類生存,乾淨的空氣與水、充足的食物、安穩住所與免於疾病危害等健康生存的條件,都面臨威脅。
因此,世界衛生組織在2008年將「氣候變遷」 (climate change)訂為該年度世界健康日的主題,希望世界各國能重視氣候變遷對人類健康的影響,並且採取適當的因應措施。
根據聯合國跨國氣候變遷小組IPCC 2007年的評估報告,全球平均溫度升高將導致:
(5)氣溫與降雨型態的改變會導致媒介動物之地理分佈的改變,造成瘧疾、登革熱、血吸蟲病(Schistosomiasis)、萊姆病(Lyme disease)、蜱媒腦炎(tick-borne encephalitis)等傳染病之散播。
1. 「人畜共同傳染病與蟲媒傳染病(Zoonotic and vector-borne diseases)」
▶例如:萊姆病、登革熱、瘧疾、狂犬病、西尼羅病毒出血熱(West Nile Fever)、屈公病(Chikungunya)、兔熱病(Tularemia)等。
2. 「水媒與食媒疾病(Water- and food-borne diseases)」
▶例如:腸道出血性大腸桿菌感染症(verotoxigenic Escherichia coli)、彎曲桿菌(Campylobacter)、沙門氏菌(Salmonella)、志賀氏菌(Shigella)、弧菌(Vibrio)、退伍軍人菌(Legionella)、肉毒桿菌(Clostridium botulinum)、腸梨型蟲(Giardia)、隱胞子蟲(Cryptosporidium)。
3. 「傳染性呼吸系統疾病(Communicable respiratory diseases) 」
▶例如:流行性感冒、呼吸道融合病毒(respiratory syncytial virus)、肺炎鏈球菌(Streptococcus pneumoniae)。
4. 「侵襲性黴菌疾病(Invasive fungal diseases) 」
▶例如:皮炎芽生菌(Blastomyces dermatitidis)、隱球菌(Cryptococcus gattii)、粗球黴菌(Coccidioides immitis) [6]。
∎[1] (The News Lens 關鍵評論網)【接地氣的現代詩】顏嘉琪〈極地〉:詩中描述的氣候變遷,顯然不只是極地的人需要面對:https://bit.ly/32PPYbv )
∎[2] 指逾量生理代謝熱能、作業環境因素(包括空氣溫度、濕度、風速和輻射熱)及衣著情形等作用,對人體造成的熱負荷影響
∎[3] (中時新聞網)「氣候變遷與健康」:https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20210423000005-260405?chdtv
∎[4] Greenpeace 綠色和平 (台灣網站) 「什麼是氣候變遷?全球暖化的原因?有哪些影響?懶人包一次告訴你」:https://bit.ly/3xmfa7D
∎[5] (行政院環境保護署)「氣候變遷衝擊-天氣與氣候」:https://ccis.epa.gov.tw/know/detail2
∎[6] 飛資得醫學資訊 (FlySheet Med-Informatics) 「全球醫師呼籲:請重視氣候變遷與人類健康的密切關係」:http://vip.flysheet.com.tw:8080/mednews/003/item/115-003-hot.html
∎[7] (Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health) MEDICAL ALERT! Climate Change Is Harming Our Health :https://medsocietiesforclimatehealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/gmu_medical_alert_updated_082417.pdf
∎[8] Blauw LL, Aziz NA, Tannemaat MR, et al. Diabetes incidence and glucose intolerance prevalence increase with higher outdoor temperature. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2017;5:e000317. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000317
∎[9]Cohen AJ, Brauer M, Burnett R, et al. Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015. Lancet. 2017 May 13;389(10082):1907-1918. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30505-6. Epub 2017 Apr 10. Erratum in: Lancet. 2017 Jun 17;389(10087):e15. Erratum in: Lancet. 2018 Apr 21;391(10130):1576. PMID: 28408086; PMCID: PMC5439030.
∎[10] (台灣醒報)「氣候變遷危害健康 IPCC:提防4種疾病」:https://anntw.com/articles/20181015-zjUN
∎[11] (台灣內科醫學會)內科學誌-氣候變遷與人類健康:http://www.tsim.org.tw/journal/jour23-5/05.PDF
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《South China Morning Post》
Which Chinese zodiac sign will have the best 2021? Year of the Ox predictions for love, health, career and wealth
• Those born in the year of the tiger and rabbit will prosper this year and Hong Kong’s luck will improve overall, a feng shui expert says
• But those born in the year of the ox, horse, sheep and dog can expect a difficult and challenging year
• Those who feel beaten down by the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn that plagued the Year of the Rat, take heart.
• Starting on Friday, which marks the first day of the Year of the Ox, Hong Kong’s collective fortune is about to change – for the better.
• According to feng shui expert Yunwenzi, or Master Cloud, the new year will be one of nourishment and healing. However, while the city’s overall luck is expected to improve, what the Year of the Ox has in store for us individually will largely depend on the Chinese zodiac sign we were born under.
• To help you navigate through the coming year, here are some tips on the dos and don’ts from Yunwenzi that promise to help each animal sign find health, love and prosperity.
For those born in the Year of Ox, take heed. This is also a year in which your zodiac sign is at odds with the guardian god Tai Sui (or Fan Tai Shui), who determines the fortunes and setbacks of mortals.
Oxen will face a number of issues in their career in the coming year. Beware of back-stabbing colleagues or getting into disputes. Focus on your work to avoid unnecessary mistakes at work.
“The ox should beware of the risk of getting fired in the coming year. They’ll lack luck and it may be hard for them to get a new job,” warns Yunwenzi. “It is also difficult for them to accumulate wealth this year as they may make bad investment decisions. They should not invest in projects which they are unfamiliar with.”
Oxen will not enjoy much romance either over the next 12 months; try not to look for partners in clubs or at parties. Illnesses will be a problem too, owing to their weak immune system, so they need to take extra care of themselves.
Contrary to those born in the Year of the Ox, the tiger is the luckiest of all the 12 zodiac animals this year. They will encounter plenty of gui ren – helpful people – who will help them realise their plans. Tigers should take advantage of the momentum and explore different possibilities. It will be a good time to start a business.
They are also lucky in love this year. For those seeking a relationship, seize the opportunities and enjoy the many pleasant romantic encounters.
“Widening their social circle not only brings them unexpected rewards but also boosts their overall luck in the year,” Yunwenzi explains.
But she reminds the tigers not to be arrogant and opinionated, as having good fortune does not necessarily mean all their actions are without consequences. For those who frequently attend social events, try not to overeat or else risk suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
The Year of the Ox is good for those born under the Rabbit sign. Everything will be quite rosy and they will be able to bounce back from rock bottom. Filled with positivity and optimism, this is a good year for them to set goals and go in new directions.
However, unlike the tigers, there are not many gui ren around for the rabbits and they pretty much have to rely on themselves to get things done. At work, their effort will be recognised by their superior and there might be a chance of promotion.
Romance is also in the air for the rabbits – but mind that large age gap. Patience and mutual understanding are needed if they want to establish a strong relationship.
The rabbit should avoid strenuous exercise to prevent injuries to the limbs.
A stable and average year ahead for those born in the Year of the Dragon: their career will come to a standstill, which will make them doubt their working abilities. Yet, a twist of fate is expected after mid-autumn so it’s worth waiting for the opportunity to present itself.
Although dragons will have many romantic encounters this year, they may still end up unsatisfied as they are not devoting much time to nurture their relationship(s). Their impulsiveness also means they easily fall in love with the wrong person.
The dragon will have a weak lung this year, associated with respiratory diseases. They may also be prone to bad skin.
It will be a year filled with both fortune and risk for snakes. Since you will be surrounded by people, unexpected opportunities will arise from your growing social network.
“Their rising popularity may also attract people who speak with a ‘forked tongue’. They should work more and talk less. Their hard work will pay off,” says Yunwenzi.
Unmarried snakes will stay single this year because they are too picky. They are advised to lower their requirements when looking for a partner.
Beware of health problems such as spinal disc hernia, frozen shoulder and bony spur.
This will be a roller coaster year for those born in the Year of the Horse. Their long-awaited plans will be postponed or even halted due to unexpected variables, but as the saying goes, “amid every crisis lies a great opportunity”, and career opportunities will arise during the winter.
They should stay calm and sincerely tackle difficulties faced by their colleagues and company. This will gain their boss’s trust and confidence in them.
Apart from work, sincerity is also key to success in relationships. Just be true to yourself and the right person will be attracted by your charisma. Beware of eye and head problems; headaches and dizziness may occur frequently throughout the year.
Those born in the Year of the Sheep should expect a difficult and challenging year. They will face a lot of obstacles in all aspects of life. The Year of the Ox is not one for them to make any important decisions such as starting a business or changing jobs as their mind might be clouded with confusion.
The sheep should stop finding excuses and acting like an otaku. Actively expanding and engaging in their social circles will bring them romantic luck.
“This is a Xing Tai Sui year for sheep, which means that they should also care for their safety as it is foreseen that they may have traffic accidents within the year,” warns Yunwenzi.
The monkey foresees a flourishing year full of opportunities and good fortune. They should be receptive to new ideas and seize golden opportunities. They will get help from a female gui ren which will help them get better results.
They will also have a breakthrough in their career. They will easily get approval from their boss and promotion is on the horizon. For those who wish to start their own business, it is a good year to test the water by setting up a low-cost online business.
Monkeys will also have a fruitful social life this year. They will have opportunities to make new friends who have charming personalities. Thanks to the monkey’s attractiveness and social popularity, sparks may fly. It is wise for monkeys to make their intentions clear from the start to avoid ambiguous signals that could damage their reputation and friendships.
Kidney deficiency is likely to emerge in the Year of the Ox. They should also be aware of lower back pain.
Roosters will have better fortune this year. This will be a “learning year” for them so they should stop being passive and start actively fighting for opportunities. Although the outcome may be unexpected or unsatisfying, each challenge is a golden learning opportunity.
The rooster also receives blessings from Wen Chang, the god that oversees the intelligence and wisdom of mortals. They should use their time for further studies.
People born under the sign of the rooster will not have much luck in love this year. They may feel tired and lose interest in searching for love. The rooster will not suffer from any major health problems this year, though they are prone to catching minor infections.
The dog is looking at a troubling year ahead as, like those born in the Year of the Sheep, they will go through a Xing Tai Sui year. It will result in an unstable year filled with trouble and difficulties in relationships. Brace yourselves for the worst during the middle of the year.
Accumulated stress means dogs may lose their temper. Bad fortune will come knocking with all that pent-up negativity.
They will also not have any luck in relationships this year. They should choose their partner wisely and only start a relationship when they have a better understanding of their lover. Dogs should also look after their mental health. Poor stress-induced sleep quality will increase the risk of developing mental illness such as depression.
Fortune shines on the pigs this year. They are always at their best and are quick-witted. They should attend more social gatherings to broaden their network and develop new job and business opportunities. Pigs could also set a more ambitious goal this year.
Those born in the Year of the Pig may be attracted to a number of people simultaneously, and this could even develop into multiple affairs. The complicated relationships will harm their hopes for romance in the long run.
Their health is hugely improved this year, and there is no major health problem predicted.
After experiencing a terrible Year of the Rat, those born under this animal zodiac sign will see a boost in their fortunes. But they must be persistent and persevere as their luck will remain average for the first half of the year.
They are advised not to set their goals too high but keep their feet on the ground and be prepared to face any challenges. They will be able to achieve their goals in the second half of 2021.
The rat tends to be indecisive in relationships. They lack security when it comes to love, especially when potential new partners emerge on the horizon. It will make them passive and unable to devote themselves to maintaining the relationship, which will not last.
They have a weak reproductive system this year. A regular check-up is advised.
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Every year like clockwork, KL-ites are bummed by the suffocating haze surrounding the city. Scratchy throat, red eyes, and breathing problems are aplenty, while those with asthma can only suffer in silence.
However, the aforementioned are ‘only’ minor health issues; the real threats including lung diseases that haunt those exposed by haze. It is normal to feel angry and annoyed at this manmade phenomena, especially when the country suffers as a result of burning from somewhere else – with not much that we can do about.
People with heart or respiratory diseases, as well as young children and elderly, should avoid going outdoors whilst the haze lasts in Singapore, advise experts. Even if you don’t have a pre-existing health condition, you should reduce your outdoor physical activity when the air quality is hazy and unhealthy.
Haze Polution
Haze in malaysia
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The dog which tells love
It is my pet dog,
With seeds (Shih Tzu)
ヨークシャテリア (it is Yorkshire Terrier))
Does not the human being who always talk about love whom I come to beat, and is the tenth year understand it?
Shih Tzu (sea zoo, 獅子狗 (pinyin,:) Sh zi G u, Wade type: Shih-tzu Kou), English: The small dog which it is said to that Shih Tzu) holds Lhasa アプソ of Tibet and a Chinese Pekingese in an ancestor.
The characteristic of the appearance / the figure
Originally the feather is long as dogs native of Tibetan plateau hold the dog of cold districts in ancestors. I am bulky, and wool of limbs seems to be boots for protection against the cold.
The hair color tends to be mixture such as gold and black, the white, but any kind of hair color is recognized, but tends sum region and the individual which white entered on the tailpiece tip to be valued high.
As for higher body, 20-30cm, the weight are around 5-8kg.
The Imperial Court dog which I was called "獅子狗" (Shih Tzu Ko) in China, and I was deified, and was enjoyed in the royal palace.
Because hair around the nose which popped is seen in big eyes and many places like a chrysanthemum with a characteristic, I am called "クリサンセマム・ドッグ".
I am associated with one of the Chinese 4 size beautiful women, Hsi Shih and am called "xi shi quan" (Hsi Shih dog).
A characteristic in the breeding
* I am quiet and barking has little waste and I am lively and am obedient and it is good and fits a child smart.
* I am cheerful and am friendly, and memory is early.
* It is easy to comparatively keep it to a beginner.
* I have an active character, but can breed it in an infant and the family where the senior citizen is.
* Because communication with the other dogs is one to get, the polyarchy breeding is comparatively easy.
Matters that require attention in the breeding
* The dog species that it is easy to keep because hair is hard to fall out. However, I am delicate and I am self-respecting, train it for stubborn character patiently.
* It is preferable to perform the walk every day (from 30 minutes to 1 hour).
* It is a comparatively durable dog species, but needs attention for health care concerning a climate (Lhasa アプソ, an alpine climate, the Pekingese, 亜寒帯冬季少雨気候) of the hometown of the ancestor dog because it is weak one for heat.
* Because cover hair is flexible, and there is easy to be pill, a brisk brush is indispensable.
* The big eyeball is easy to be damaged and is easy to cause the cataract. Therefore, I am usually careful to the states of eyes more, and consideration that cover hair does not injure an eyeball is necessary.
* I am careful to respiratory illness and allergy-related skin diseases.

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