グラディウスII -GOFERの野望-(AC/'88年)のスタッフ制作の作品という事で注目度が高かった作品でもある。
効果音/音声: 前沢秀憲氏
作曲:古川元亮氏、前沢秀憲氏、宮脇聡子さん、西垣綾子さん(A. HASHIMOTO)
Manufacture: 1991.04 konami
system: xexex
Hardware: Z80,YM2151,K054539,Volume filter x4
Sound effect・Voice: Hidenori Maezawa
Composer: Motoaki Furukawa (Carol Queen), Hidenori Maezawa (Michael Oldriver), Satoko Miyawaki (Rosetta Stone), Akiko Hashimoto (Shanghai Manmos)
00:00 01.Voice Konami Logo
00:02 02.Voice 私の星を助けて 私は(以下略)
00:51 03.Battle cry - All Hands to Station! (タイトルデモBGM)
01:48 04.Voice XEXEX
01:49 05.S.E. Credit
01:53 06.Think Tank (コインデモBGM)
02:53 07.Breeze (ステージ 1 BGM)
05:39 08.Boost Up! (ボスBGM)
07:05 09.Gimme A High Five (ステージ Clear BGM)
07:13 10.Voice おねがい、 私の星を助けて
07:16 11.Please (中間デモBGM1)
07:29 12.With Zero G (ステージ 2 BGM)
09:23 13.Voice この私に歯向かうとは愚かな。フフフ…
09:28 14.Hey! Mr.Wonderful (中間デモBGM2)
09:39 15.Crystal Clear (ステージ 3 BGM)
12:14 16.Voice やつは何物だ!?
12:16 17.Voice ああっ早く来て
12:21 18.Help Me Quickly! (中間デモBGM3)
12:34 19.Let's Give'em The BIZ (ステージ 4 BGM)
15:58 20.Voice おのれ… ここまで来たことを後悔させてくれるわ
16:04 21.Dare you (中間デモBGM4)
16:15 22.The Polygontal Energy (ステージ 5 BGM)
18:57 23.Voice 急がないと、間に合わない
19:01 24.No More Time (中間デモBGM5)
19:12 25.Happy Daymare (ステージ 6 BGM1 ワープ前)
20:58 26.Out of The Blue From The Hyperspace Jump (ステージ 6 BGM2 ワープ後)
23:03 27.Voice これ以上進むことは許さん…ひねりつぶしてくれるわ
23:09 28.Blow Your Top (中間デモBGM6)
23:21 29.Shake'em Retro-roop!! (ステージ 7 BGM1 空中戦)
24:40 30.Go For Broke! (ステージ 7 BGM2 巨大戦艦)
27:31 31.Keep On Mechanical Dancin'! (ステージ 7 BGM カニ登場)
29:47 32.Voice お前たちにはまかせてはおけぬ。私自らが出る!
29:54 33.Free As A Bird (中間デモBGM7)
30:05 34.Black Eight Ball (最終ボスBGM)
31:37 35.Voice よくここまで来てくれました。私は(以下略)
31:50 36.Birthday Suits (最終デモBGM)
33:05 37.Voice 私の国を救ってくれて…ありがとう
33:09 38.My Kutie Pie Irene (エンディングBGM)
33:53 39.Time To Party Hearty!! (スタッフロールBGM)
34:37 40.6 Feet Under (ゲームオーバーBGM)
34:45 41.Can't Wait Until Next Saturday (コンティニューBGM)
35:25 42.Jack Pot! - Make A Killing!! (おみくじBGM)
36:13 43.Way To Go! - Carry The Day!! (大吉BGM)
36:22 44.Voice 大吉
36:23 45.Voice 中吉
36:27 46.Snapper (おちBGM)
36:30 47.Voice ごめんね~
36:33 48.sound test
tank sound effect 在 translation Youtube 的最佳解答
Manufacture: 1995.11.11 Square
computer: super famicom / snes
Hardware: spc700
Sound Effect: Hironobu Izumi,Kazumi Mitome
Music driver programmer: Minoru Akao
Composer & Arranger: Kenji Ito
00:00 01.Surprise of the Death Eaters (プロローグ~死食の脅威/オープニングデモ)
01:51 02.The SaGa Conti nues (オープニングタイトル/タイトル画面 *前作までの同名曲のアレンジ)
04:44 03.Julian's Theme ( ユリアンのテーマ/ユリアン主人公時の町移動)
06:49 04.Ellen's Theme (エ レンのテーマ/エレン主人公時の町移動 )
09:02 05.Sara's Theme (サラ のテーマ/サラ主人公時の町移動)
12:17 06.Thomas' Theme (トー マスのテーマ/トーマス主人公時の町移動)
15:06 07.Harid's Theme (ハリー ドのテーマ/ハリード主人公時の町移動)
17:36 08.Mikhail's Theme (ミカ エルのテーマ/ミカエル主人公時の町移動)
20:21 09.Monica's Theme (モニ カのテーマ/モニカ主人公時の町移動)
23:02 10.Katalina's Theme (カタ リナのテーマ/カタリナ主人公時の町移動)
26:16 11.Field (フィールド/屋外 マップ)
29:27 12.The Battle (バトル1/通 常戦闘)
32:08 13.Victory! (勝利!/戦闘勝利)
32:50 14.Boundaries (ポドールイ)
36:16 15.Dungeon 1 (ダンジョン1/各地のダンジョン)
39:06 16.Battle 2 (バトル2/中ボス戦)
42:17 17.Celebration March (祝福マーチ/プロローグイベントクリアなど)
44:50 18.The Voyage (出航/乗船初回、4つのアビスゲートを閉じた後)
47:16 19.Muse's Theme (ミューズのテーマ/ミューズの家)
50:26 20.Dungeon 2 (ダンジョン2/西の森、氷湖など)
53:00 21.The Professor's Theme (きょ・う・じゅ?のテーマ/教授と初回会話)
53:41 22.Operation - Pet Retrieval (ペット捕獲大作戦/教授のペット戦)
55:47 23.Sailing (聖王の町ランス/ランス)
58:48 24.Lance ~ City of the Holy King (聖王廟)
01:02:10 25.Year of the Holy King
01:05:03 26.Magical Tank Battle (術戦車バトル/ナハトズィーガー戦)
01:07:44 27.The Great Arch (グレートアーチ)
01:10:10 28.Jungle (ジャングル)
01:12:10 29.Fairy Town (妖精の村)
01:14:47 30.Nightmare (夢魔/ミューズの夢の中(ピドナ王宮))
01:18:24 31.Dufore's Evil Plans (ドフォーレの悪行/ドフォーレ商会、マクシムス追跡など)
01:19:44 32.Evil Does Not Cherish (怪傑ロビンのテーマ~この世に悪はさかえない!/怪傑ロビン登場)
01:21:15 33.Arousing (目覚め/バンガード起動)
01:23:01 34.On with the Bangard! (part 1) (バンガード発進! 1/バンガード発進のイベント、バンガード)
01:24:34 35.On with the Bangard! (part 2) (バンガード発進! 2)
01:26:33 36.Island at the Farthest Reaches (最果ての島)
01:28:13 37.Insufferable Desert (砂漠)
01:31:12 38.Ruin of the Crystal (水晶の廃墟)
01:33:59 39.The Eastern Country (東の国/玄城)
01:35:34 40.Emperor's City (諸王の都)
01:38:02 41.Rusukata (ラシュクータ)
01:41:18 42.Tower of the Godly King (神王の塔/神王の塔内部)
01:44:00 43.Trade Off (トレード)
01:46:42 44.Aurora (オーロラ/オーロライベント)
01:48:25 45.Snowman's Town (雪だるまの町/雪の町)
01:50:39 46.Ice Lake (氷湖/氷銀河 *氷湖では使用されない)
01:53:38 47.Owain's Lake (グウェインの巣)
01:56:03 48.Leonid's Castle (レオニード城)
01:59:43 49.The Devil King's Castle (魔王殿)
02:03:28 50.The Dark Underground (魔王殿地下)
02:06:17 51.Byunei's Nest (ビューネイの巣)
02:09:40 52.Fortress of Fire (火術要塞)
02:11:48 53.Underwater Palace (海底宮)
02:15:28 54.Foreboding Danger (迫り来る危機/神王の塔イベントなど)
02:16:57 55.Four Noble Devils (四魔貴族バトル1/四魔貴族の幻影戦)
02:20:20 56.Defeated (全滅のテーマ/全滅)
02:22:37 57.Grieve (悲しみのテーマ1/小さな村壊滅)
02:25:06 58.Sorrow (悲しみのテーマ2/グゥエインの死)
02:28:05 59.Into War... (part 1) (玄城バトル 1/黄京城内 *玄城では使用されない)
02:28:40 60.Into War... (part 2) (玄城バトル 2 *玄城では使用されない)
02:30:13 61.Gen's Castle Battle (ラストダンジョン/アビス)
02:33:03 62.The Last Journey ()
02:34:34 63.Four Noble Devils 2 (四魔貴族バトル2/四魔貴族の本体戦)
02:38:30 64.Abyss' Gate (アビスゲート)
02:41:19 65.The Last Battle (ラストバトル/破壊するもの戦)
02:44:40 66.Into a New Horizon (part 1) (エピローグ~新たな旅へ/エンディング 1)
02:46:06 67.Into a New Horizon (part 2) (エピローグ~新たな旅へ/エンディング 2)
02:49:23 68.Staff Roll ~ Finale (エンドタイトル/エンディング:スタッフロール)
02:53:25 69.Fanfare (ファンファーレ)
02:53:34 70.Thomas' Fanfare
02:53:46 71.Good Night! (宿屋で一泊/宿泊)
02:53:58 72.Trade For Revenge (トレード~逆襲/トレードで買収を仕掛けられた時)
02:54:02 73.Trade For Defeat (トレード~敗北/トレードに敗北した時)
02:54:07 74.The Professor's Theme (original version) (きょ・う・じゅのテーマ(オリジナル・ヴァージョン)/未使用曲 *前半に追加パートが入っている)
tank sound effect 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
Came to visit me from Australia
FY 1975 125cc champion
Yes SRX500 is owned,
Always "best in class" machine in the mission was born Mach SS
Was always conscious of the world's fastest "KAWASAKI", the supremacy of Power [Mach series was developed to meet the needs of North America. After all features are "two-stroke three-cylinder" peculiar layout. At that time [two-cylinder model was mainly 』, each cylinder is small, compact and can reduce vibration cooling mission, from the technical superiority of" three-cylinder two-cycle piston reed valve "was adopted. In fact, "two-cylinder two-stroke Rotaridisukubarubu" The development plan at the same time, the development had been good results with both the actual proposal. But, ultimately, can appeal and innovative design with an innovative technology, "three-cylinder two-stroke piston reed valve" proposal which was adopted.
』[The 500SS 3 Mach Mach (H1), including, 750SS (H2), 400SS (S3), 350SS (S2), 250SS (S1) and had many variations. The emergence of avant-garde high-power machines, the riders were attracted a lot of them ironically are therefore [the supremacy of Power "is fast, unyielding, unstoppable" "and never an easy ride to palaver machine say "we would be described as such. Moreover, machines were invented after the name of "Z1" 討Chitonari chasing the appearance of the wave of the future gradually (4-cylinder air-cooled 4) is swallowed, and was short-lived. Mach series, however, "Mach" The basic layout is unchanged, 400SS · 250SS 1976 to "KH400" "KH250" but changed its name, and was also a longtime production until 1980.
The model had short-lived indeed, and that accelerates like a rocket, an exhaust air-cooling metal fins rugged play is only in the Mach different world. The unruly "horse," I domesticate domesticated, meaning that [the status of motorcyclists 』whether or not then? The Kawasaki but in recent years," Mach strike 4 "and Xanthus as Z1000 also as someone rolled out to.
Madly in love on sight synonymous with Mach-[』will continue to attract many riders still, we fight against Han Mach no end.
Has been developed seeking the seat of the world's fastest 500SS "3 Mach"
"Speed" made a thorough commitment to "Mach" is, Z1 was born six years ago, in 1966, "bigger, more powerful!" Was developed based on the concept in 1969 . Domestic standard is "Tank" Black appeared in. [From the shape of the future born of design, bold! Were] attached a copy of the catch. (Incidentally, the export specification "navy blue stripes on white body" was.)
"Air-cooled two-stroke three-cylinder" layout is peculiar, "Mach" not just an impression, and it was in technical innovation? ... The two-cylinder engine each cylinder from the mainstream of the time it can be reduced, and so compact vibration reduction mission of improving the cooling effect is also the layout is also considered a number of technical advantages. In fact, repeated experiments in parallel with development of various engine layout too, it's also an established style. The first production car "CDI ignition system" was also adopted, and this is the Mach 3.
Multiply the world 放Tta Mach Kawasaki prestige, world-class performance and powerful acceleration, but had high-speed performance, maneuverability is also a good compliment. However, this is why we ride bikes more, "Mach horse," challenging to fight for the ride, the saga created a number of them. "3-speed to leave the wheelie!" Etc., a number of Mach Legend 』is produced, and went around the world to attract more riders. It was also released around the same time "CB750FOUR" It was also cheaper than other performance cars, one reason may be popular. ("CB750FOUR" is 385,000 yen, "500SS" is 298,000 yen.) ... Easier to obtain than the giants sit in a row, you can achieve if they run beyond 乗Rikonasere yet. Many riders would be attracted to such a valiant figure.
Supplement is, in fact, show special effects in TV series was popular a year from 1972 Fuji "Android Kikaider" hero Kikaida sidecar carrying this "Mach 3", respectively. Moreover, spec racer (Nira) is rather surprising from a special machine built in the frame! In addition, the nemesis "Hakaider" The Love Machine H2 (750SS), respectively. The 1970 Tokyo Motor Show is "Kawasaki Mach III special sidecar GT500" had been exhibited as a reference.
tank sound effect 在 AUDIOLAND: Creating the Walker Tank Sound for Call of Duty 的推薦與評價
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