#TrainToTransformTues I finally get to share a person i got to know better and call a friend this year. @muscle.mary. I remember the first time I met him, he told me, to prep is a very very hard thing to do. That kinda speared me even more to try my best to get ready for comp, so I thank you man for helping fuel the fire. Now we share our prepping stories, which are hilarious. 😂😂 I want you all to follow him, because this is one guy, who exemplifies extreme discipline, has a great mindset about positivity, body acceptance and always seeking to improve oneself.
May his story inspire you for to day, and give you motivation for your journey :) Do follow this once upon a time cute hamster 💪🏼🐹
My fat to fit transformation wasn't a result of anything unhappy or insecure, I did it because I love the sport. If I could change anything about myself, I wouldn't. I love my body and all the flaws that comes with it. Many people feel that a better physique will bring you happiness, but I was honestly a happier person in my previous fat life; less critical, less tired and more comfy in my own skin. It's difficult to stay confident when the all the sport does is critiquing what physically isn't good enough. Having said that, nothing has taught me mental toughness & discipline like Bodybuilding. Fall in Love with the pain, the exhaustion and the preparation. Don't just love a ripped physique because the development of the mind and soul will always outweighed the physical improvements.
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