D a y 2 0 ; Booty 🍑 day maybe ?
Bands are optional ;)
• Fire Hydrants
>> Down on all fours, have your knees lifted sideways
• Kickbacks
>> Down on all fours, focus kicking your feet upwards ( aim feet to ceiling)
• Leg Lifts
>> Down on all fours, get a leg to extend straight & lift it up and down towards the floor squeezing them glutes
• Eccentric Squats
>> Legs hip width, push your bump back & sit down, do it in a very slow count of 8 counts down and 8 counts up
• Squats with alternate leg lifts
>> Maintain a low hip all time, stay in the squat & alternately lift your legs up
That’s it for ya booty day 🍑
#fitness #homeworkout #bootyworks #booty #bootybands #bootyworkout #bubblebutt #quarantine #quaratinelife #quarantineworkout #quarintine