多謝大家支持第42集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!有藝人 Shirley Chan 陳欣妍做嘉賓!🍷🥳多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #沈殷怡。今集介紹 #意大利 #西西里島葡萄酒 #火山酒,包括有Benanti Etna Rosso Contrada Cavaliere 2017紅酒 、Passopisciano Contrada Chiappemacine 2016 紅酒及Al-Cantara Occhi Di Ciumi DOC 2019 白酒🥳🥂多謝支持!分享咗以 #十里洋場 上海菜嘅黃金蝦球及走油元蹄 #賀年菜 配葡萄酒!#yummy! #Cheers! 🥳🍷🥂🧧 #牛年快樂 !下星期一23:30 ViuTV見!
Thanks all for your support on my 42nd TV episode in “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink”! Cheers! Thanks my partners Johnny Hui & Shirley Sham! Happy to have artist #ShirleyChan as the guest. #SicilianWine #VolcanicWine from Italy is being featured in this episode including Benanti Etna Rosso Contrada Cavaliere 2017, Passopisciano Contrada Chiappemacine 2016 & Al-Cantara Occhi Di Ciumi DOC 2019 🥳🍷🥂!🎉! I also pair Sicilian wine with #10Shanghai Shanghainese #CNY delicacies including Deep fried prawns in egg yolk sauce and Marinated pork knuckle ! #Yummy! 😍😋😋 #cheers! 🥳🍷🥂See u all on next Monday 23:30 at #ViuTV!
服裝/Costume sponsor: Iris & Ink from THE OUTNET.COM
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園
@強尼 Shirley Sham 沈殷怡 #FoodandWine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong Co., Ltd #BenantiWine @Benanti #Passopiscianowine @Passopisciano Sarment #SarmentHK Corney & Barrow #CorneyandBarrow #AlCantara Alcantara Vineyards and Winery Buonvino意大利葡萄酒及食品專門店 #BuonVinoHK
buonvinohk 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最讚貼文
又係星期一!記得今晚睇 #晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹 第42集 ViuTV 99台 23:30-00:00!今集嘉賓係 #陳欣妍🥳🍷! 仲有我詩詩 #品酒師 同 #強尼 及 #沈殷怡 一齊約定你! 開定支咩酒一齊睇呀?今晚同大家分享 #意大利 #西西里島 #火山酒🍷🥳!仲有配上十里洋場 10 Shanghai美食賀年!😋😋!記得支持下呀!#Cheers!
It’s Monday again! It’s the 42nd episode of “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink” on ViuTV Channel 99 tonight! We’ll have artist Shirley Chan 陳欣妍 as the guest! 🍷🎉🥳U’ll also see me as a wine & spirits specialist together with Johnny Hui & Shirley Shum sipping wine & spirits together with our guests! What wine/spirits will you open tonight to watch it together? I will talk about #SicilianWine #volcanicwines from Italy tonight ! 🍷😆I’ll be pairing it with renowned Shanghainese delicacies from #10Shanghai to celebrate #CNY! 😋😋! please support! Cheers!
靚衫贊助/costume sponsor: Iris & Ink from THE OUTNET.COM
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #ccspiritsvoyage #Foodandwine
公啟行 Kung Kai Hong Co., Ltd @強尼 Sarment #Sarment Corney & Barrow #CorneyandBarrowHK Buonvino意大利葡萄酒及食品專門店 #BuonVinoHK #theoutnet #irisandink Shirley Sham 沈殷怡
buonvinohk 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最讚貼文
長周末愉快!我嘅假期由意大利酒開始!係BuonVino 試咗多款意大利酒,有d係老闆Tom親自係意大利帶返黎,由意大利北部Veneto 一路飲到南部小島Sicily ,變化多端!🍷🥂😬
Happy long weekend! My holiday begins with great Italian wines! Thanks BuonVino for the wine tasting, some wines are brought straightly to HK by Tom from Italy! Tried nine different wines from Veneto (north) to Sicily (southern island), very diverse & interesting! 🍷🥂😬
#wine #winetasting #italianwine #buonvinohk