#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
1⃣ a dish (though it's a bit old-fashioned)
2⃣ Revenge is a dish best served cold
3⃣ dish it out; sb. can dish it out, but not take it
4⃣ dish the dirt (on); dish on
When we say “wash the dishes,” we mean all the tableware, and even the silverware. But in English, whereas plates are usually used to eat from, dishes, which are flatter than bowls, and not as flat as plates (and sometimes have lids), are used to serve or cook food. And a dish can also refer to the food that is served in the dish. Now let’s learn some other dish-related idioms!
我們知道 wash the dishes「洗碗」是泛指洗所有的餐具,即使是銀製餐具也算在內。但是在英國,plate跟dish則是兩種不同的東西,plate 是進餐時用的淺盤,而 dish 則是比碗淺但比 plate 深的深盤(有時還附蓋子),通常是裝盛菜餚出餐或烹煮食物用。dish 也可以指該道菜。說完了,接下來就來介紹跟 dish 一字有關的諺語吧。
You know that a serving of food can be called a dish, but what if you 1⃣call a person a dish? It means they’re sexy and attractive. This expression, which sounds a little old-fashioned these days, likely has it’s origins in comparing a person to a delicious dish of food. Ex: Wow, she’s gorgeous—what a dish!
你知道一道菜可以用 a dish 稱之,但你叫一個人a dish又是怎麼回事?其實是說那個人性感吸引力十足,「是你的菜」。儘管這個表達放在現在已經有點過時,就跟拿一道菜來比喻一個人一樣過氣。如:Wow, she’s gorgeous—what a dish!(哇,那個妹有夠正的──是天菜。)
Besides food, what else can be served on dishes? Revenge! Have you ever heard the proverb, 2⃣“Revenge is a dish best served cold”? It means that revenge is most satisfying when one takes the time to plan it carefully and carry it out when your enemy least suspects it, rather than immediately after one is wronged. This expression has existed for hundreds of years, but it was made popular when it appeared in the 1982 movie, Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan. Ex: A: How can you let him get away with treating you like that? B: I won’t, but revenge is a dish best served cold.
除了食物,還有什麼可以裝在盤子上?仇恨!你有聽過俗語「君子報仇三年不晚」(Revenge is a dish best served cold)嗎?指與其立即復仇,花時間慢慢計畫再實行,讓敵人放下戒心之後再復仇,這樣會更令人滿足。1982年電影《星艦迷航記2: 星戰大怒吼》讓這個存在已經好幾百年的老俗語再次流行起來。如:A: How can you let him get away with treating you like that? 你怎麼能忍受他這樣對待你? B: I won’t, but revenge is a dish best served cold. 我不會繼續忍下去的,但是君子報仇三年不晚。
As a verb, dish means “to serve,” and is the basis of a number of expressions. To 3⃣“dish it out” means to criticize or insult, and is often used in the idiom, “sb. can dish it out, but not take it,” which is used to describe people who are quick to criticize others, but can’t take criticism themselves. Ex: A: I didn’t realize that Karen was so thin-skinned. B: Yeah. She can dish it out, but she can’t take it.
dish當動詞指「上菜」,也延伸出好幾種諺語用法。dish it out指「批評,侮辱」,常出現在sb. can dish it out, but not take it.這個諺語中,指「愛批評他人卻批評不得的人」。如:A: I didn’t realize that Karen was so thin-skinned. 我不明白為什麼凱倫會這麼膚淺。B: Yeah. She can dish it out, but she can’t take it.是啊,她愛批評別人,但見不得別人批評她。
Another idiom with dish as a verb is 4⃣“dish the dirt (on),” which means to gossip about someone or something. Ex: Let’s sit down, have a drink and dish the dirt. The expression “dish on” also has the same meaning. Ex: Why are you always dishing on Patricia?
另一個dish當動詞的諺語是dish the dirt on,指「八卦某事或某人」。如Let’s sit down, have a drink and dish the dirt.(咱們坐下來喝杯茶聊八卦吧。)也可以用dish on表示:Why are you always dishing on Patricia?(為什麼你總是在八卦派翠西亞?)
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[Paris pastry / 巴黎甜點] Nicolas Paciello 主廚(Fouquet’s)的聖誕節蛋糕創作 / Yule log 2019 of Nicolas Paciello for Fouquet’s (for English, please click “see more”)
前兩天應邀參加 Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet's Paris 的下午茶體驗,今年九月剛剛離開 Hotel Prince de Galles 加入 Fouquet’s 的甜點主廚 Nicolas Paciello 向我們介紹他過去兩個月幾乎沒日沒夜辛勤工作的成果—— Retaurant Le Joy 的全新下午茶套餐以及今年的聖誕節蛋糕。
1899 年由 Louis Fouquet 創立的 Restaurant Fouquet's Paris 位於巴黎香榭麗謝與喬治五世大道交口,原本是一個酒館、餐廳。採用創始人 Fouquet 的家族姓氏,後面再加上「’s」的英美式用法,賦予它不少時髦意味。今年適逢 120 周年慶的 Fouquet’s 在巴黎是非常知名且歷史悠久的餐廳,每年被譽為「法國奧斯卡」的凱薩獎頒獎典禮餐會都是在這裡舉行,1990 年,Fouquet’s 餐廳也被列為法國歷史遺跡。1998 年,法國賭場與酒店集團 Barrier 買下 Fouquet’s 餐廳與旁邊六棟建築物、創立 Hôtel Barrier Le Fouquet’s Paris,從此 Fouquet’s 變成為一個包含豪華旅館與餐廳、酒吧的品牌,能和周遭林立的豪華酒店如 Four Seasons Hotel George V、Prince de Galles 等比肩。今年三月,位於路口的 Fouquet’s 餐廳因為黃背心運動被大肆破壞,不得不關門整修,直到七月十四日法國國慶日才重新開幕。旅館內的其他餐廳、酒吧如 Le Joy、Le Marta Paris 等也一併經過重新整修。
從隔壁 Prince de Galles 飯店轉職過來的甜點主廚 Nicolas Paciello 為 Fouquet’s 的 Le Joy 餐廳設計了「two courses」的下午茶套餐(48€ /人,含一杯熱飲,另有含一杯香檳的版本€58 / 人):第一道是包含三明治等鹹點與 scones、cookies(美式餅乾果然很紅吧!)、法式小點心 petit fours 的三層架,第二道則是三樣主廚精選甜點的迷你版,包含開心果閃電泡芙、檸檬塔、巴黎・布列斯特泡芙。
當天 Nicolas Paciello 主廚並為我們介紹了他今年的力作——「La Bûche de Noël de Louis Bouquet」(Louis Fouquet 的聖誕節蛋糕)。他與歷史學家Marion Godfroy-Tayart de Borms 合作設計,參考了 120 年前的流行風格和 Louis Fouquet 本人的喜好,是一款外觀看來非常神秘的蛋糕。放在巧克力雕塑製成的展示高台上的蛋糕,是由濕潤的烘烤杏仁海綿蛋糕(biscuit moelleux à l’amande torréfiée)加上黑巧克力慕斯(mousse de chocolat intense)與糖漬香檸檬(confit de bergamote)組成,隱藏在一層薄薄的杏仁膏之下,鮮紅色的外觀呼應 Fouquet’s 的招牌遮雨檐。我之前也提過,法國現在也在流行減糖,許多甜點都早已顛覆以前法式甜點給人的甜膩印象。而這個蛋糕大概是我過去數年來在法國吃過「最不甜」的蛋糕,主廚 Nicolas 也是刻意如此設計,突出香檸檬的酸味、並用杏仁的香氣和圓潤去中和,讓人在豐盛的聖誕大餐後,仍然能毫無負擔地享用、成為完美的結尾。不過,如果是在平時下午茶品嚐,酸度卻有些過於強烈了。
接下來請大家點開照片一一欣賞主廚的作品,更多當天的影音請參考我的 Instagram 精選動態「Fouquet’s」:https://tinyurl.com/w7kvq2w
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2019 年巴黎聖誕節蛋糕精選:https://tinyurl.com/y6pq87rz
I got invited to Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet’s Paris earlier this week for tasting their tea time at Restaurant Le Joy and the yule log creation. Nicolas Paciello, head pastry chef (former head pastry chef at Hôtel Prince de Galles) of the hotel who just arrived two months ago gave us a warm welcome.
Situated on the intersection of Avenue des Champs-Élyées and Avenue George V, the brasserie-restaurant Fouquet’s was founded by Louis Fouquet in 1899. Louis Fouquet named the restaurant after his family name but added the “’s” to give it a trendy style. Celebrating its 120 anniversaire this year, Fouquet’s is a legendary restaurant in Paris. It holds the gala dinner for Cézar Awards, the French equivalent of Academy awards, each year and was frequented by many celebrities. The main room of Fouquet’s was listed as an "Inventaire des Monuments Historiques” (French historical monument) in 1990. In 1998, Group Barrière, a French casino and luxury hotel group, bought the restaurant and further acquired 6 buildings around it to create Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet Paris. Fouquet’s has since then become a brand that includes a luxury hotel, symbolic restaurants and bars. Fouquet’s was severely damaged during the Gillet Jaune movement this march and was thus closed for renovation for several months. It re-opened in July on the Bastille Day this year and the restaurants and bars in the hotel also underwent a make-over.
Fouquet’s new head pastry chef Nicolas Paciello created a new tea time menu for Restaurant Le Joy that is composed of two courses: served on a 3-tiered stand, a sweet and savoury selection including scones, cookies, finger sandwiches, and petit fours comes first, followed by 3 chef’s signature pastries in mini form: pistachio éclairs, lemon tart, and Paris-Brest.
The chef also presented us his Christmas cake creation in tribute to the founder of Fouquet's, “La Bûche de Noël de Louis Fouquet”. In collaboration with the historian Marion Godfroy-Tayart de Borms, this yule log pays great attention to the fashion back to 120 years ago as well as the preference of Louis Fouquet himself. This mysterious-looking cake sits on a high stand made of chocolate and is covered by a thin layer of almond paste, whose vivid color clearly refers to the brasserie’s distinctive red awnings on Charmps-Élysées. The cake itself is made of a moist roasted almond sponge cake, a dark chocolate mousse as well as a bergamot confit. Now that a “less-sugar” trend seems to sweep the French pastry industry, many pastries and desserts here in Paris are much less sweet and filling compared to before. With a rather strong acidity of the bergamot orange rounded by almonds biscuit and chocolate cream, the cake is probably the least sweet cake I’ve ever tasted in recent years. The chef Nicolas has made it on purpose so that it’s light enough to be enjoyed at the end of a Christmas feast. However, if you taste it during tea time in normal days, you might find yourself crave more sweetness.
Click on the photos and have a closer look to the divine pastries and wonderful work of the chef. More videos and experiences in live could be found in my featured stories “Fouquet’s” on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/w7kvq2w
🔖 You might also be interested:
2019 Paris Christmas cakes: https://tinyurl.com/y6pq87rz
Getting to know more French pastry chefs and influencers: https://tinyurl.com/y49mhpl3
French pastry keywords that you have to know: https://tinyurl.com/y5c99dd8
#yingspastryguide #fouquets #nicolaspaciello #bûchedenoël2019 #buchedenoel2019 #yingc
but rather用法 在 北歐心科學 NordicHearts Facebook 的最佳解答
[Science and Communication]
我還在讀本科時,年少無知,覺得做科學,應該不拘小節,論文、Poster、PowerPoint 等,只應在乎內容而非「格式」。只要內容好,科學準確,排版、字體、用色、甚至錯字都無所謂。
最近寫博士學位的期中報告,就Typography我已用了大半天參考不同文章。雖然對設計師來說可能見笑,但我這初哥已經盡力。最後Headings一致用無腦Helvetica,內文用Garamond,古典但優雅,讀起來才有可信、已確定(established) 的感覺,DNA序列用Courier,字距一致才容易做DNA並列對比。大家的論文又用什麼字體呢?(不才,懂設計的朋友請指教)
【Typography Matters】(營養長文!!!)香港美術及設計教育,一直以來都麻麻地重視 Typography(字體排印學)。近十多年遇着個別有熱誠有才能嘅教育工作者,偶爾會有小陽春,業界亦好視乎個別執業者取向;但整體上,香港地無論學院抑或業內,重視 Typography 嘅人,實屬小眾,practise 得好嘅,更係少之又少。個人電腦普及前,字體應用及排印,都必定交由專業人士負責,質素衰極有個譜;然而,差不多係人都識用 Word、Excel、小畫家等軟件打字、畫圖、列印、發佈後,因差劣 Typography 而引發嘅溝通錯誤及視覺污染——自文字及印刷術發明以來——係史上最最最最嚴重的。
科技賦予人類能力,但冇賦予知識。人人用電腦揀字款打字排版做所謂「文書處理」,但當中有幾多個懂得基本 Typography?或,當中有幾多個知道有「Typography」呢樣嘢呢?記得留學時老師講過,或許設計上有好多範疇都冇甚麼絕對黑白對錯,但係响 Typography 嘅領域,有唔少理論及應用係黑白分明對錯有特定準則的。「靚囉」好少會出自 typographer 把口。
求其粗疏地响聖士提反灣周圍𥄫𥄫,做咗個微型 visual audit,諗住學下嘢。Woow~!真係獲益良多,原來而家尖端標示設計嘅 typography 已經同我以前學嗰套好有距離。首先(見圖由上至下左至右),大大塊告示板,個 layout 唔似有 grid,相當 dynamic,四個主標示 zig zag 咁放,size 不大,語氣和善,活潑可人,綠綠藍藍與泳灘氣氛連成一片。
Typography 中,英語 punctuation(標點符號)往往最被忽略。「Please - No Kite-flying」三個字中有兩個 hyphens,「Kite-flying」嗰個冇咩問題,怪就怪在「Please」之後嗰個。因為 hyphen 一般用作 compound terms 或 word division,當破折號或冒號咁用好似比較罕見。
For most writers, the hyphen’s primary function is the formation of certain compound terms. Compound terms are those that consist of more than one word but represent a single item or idea.
In professionally printed material (particularly books, magazines, and newspapers), the hyphen is used to divide words between the end of one line and the beginning of the next. This allows for an evenly aligned right margin without highly variable (and distracting) word spacing.
同中文標點好唔同,英文類似破折號嘅短小橫線標點有三種:hyphen (-), en dash (–), em dash (—),長度不一功能各異,唔可以亂用。
The en dash (–) is slightly wider than the hyphen (-) but narrower than the em dash (—). The typical computer keyboard lacks a dedicated key for the en dash, though most word processors provide a means for its insertion.
長話短說,日常應用嚟講 en dash 多數用嚟當「至」咁用,如日期或時間,「2005–2018」,「9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.」。正統前後冇 space,但我覺得若嫌太迫,kern 疏少少都無傷大雅。至於當破折號(或冒號)以作補充之用就應該用最長嘅 em dash。
The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons—in each case to slightly different effect.
Notwithstanding its versatility, the em dash is best limited to two appearances per sentence. Otherwise, confusion rather than clarity is likely to result.
Do not mistake the em dash (—) for the slightly narrower en dash (–) or the even narrower hyphen (-). Those marks serve different purposes and are further explained in other sections.
Prime mark (') 同 apostrophe (’),前者係小直劃,後者係升高咗嘅𢭃號,再想發揮創意都唔應該用錯。鍵盤碼點打,呢度唔多講嘞,自己 google 啦。
[a.m. and p.m.]
「a.m.」、「p.m.」係拉丁文「ante meridiem」同「post meridiem」嘅縮寫,所以正寫應該係細階兼有點點。但係設計上有時想省略簡化正寫達至美感要求,我覺得响意思唔被干擾下,可以接受。但時間數字與 am 或 pm 中間,應該有 space,連埋寫成一個字咁會怪怪,尤其出現於正統聲明。
[Title Case vs Sentence Case]
究竟幾時用 title case,即每個字頭都大階;幾時先用 sentence case,即只得第一個字大階?!我有啲亂。我嘗試觸摸個 pattern,可能我資質太差,花咗成日都徒勞無功。
[Text Justification]
忽左忽右,我估本 guidelines 肯肯定有說明點用法,只係我呢個路人未察覺箇中奧妙而已。「Dangerous Goods Store」,畀我會將「Goods Store」排埋一行,以意思 break line 嘛。不過人哋咁排法,一定有 concept。
最後,發覺大標示板係用 Helvetica,小標語則用 Arial,當中有咩精心佈局或創意我唔敢亂估,只覺得呢種字款運用嘅 fusion 很富本地混雜視覺文化特色,好可愛。☺️
… … … … … … … … …
Source & reference:
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not but rather用法完整相關資訊- 媽媽最愛你今天要來跟各位介紹7個常常令人感到困惑的英文文法~ http:// goo.gl/shR3Q2. ... tw.blog.voicetube. com ... ... <看更多>
but rather用法 在 would rather文法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的歷史 ... 的推薦與評價
提供would rather文法相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多would rather ... not but rather用法| 媽媽最愛你-2021年6月提供not but rather用法相關資訊,想要了解更多not ... ... <看更多>