🐣Happy Friday!!!🐣Beef brisket is one of my once a week menu at home🏘️🏘️
I cook them with my Le creuest pot for about 2 hours… ⚠️the tips to make it juicy and tender is to add “ROCK SUGAR”..👏👏👏👏 Rock sugar acts as a natural tenderizer, it won’t add sweet flavor to your meat, but it gives the effect on texture….💪💪 Ooo. Sounds cool…. 🔯Give it a try nexttime when you cook any beef…. 🍻Cheers 🍻
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#fridaynight #fridaydinner #vancitymom #vancitycook #beefbrisket #lecreuset #cookingmama
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😇😇Its Thursday already !! Where was my Wednesday and Tuesday ?? Feel satisfied when having spicy ramen on rainy days .🍜🍜.. #ramenvancouver #ramendanbo #robsonramen #rekkaramen #latergram #thursdaylunch #foodcouver #yelpvancouver #zipkick #foosporn #vancityramen #vancityeats #eatcouver #604eats #604food #ramennoodles #dailyhivevan @ Ramen Danbo Canada