Day 9 of #hkyogachallenge - #pinchamayurasana
This is arguably one of the more challenging #inversions because it requires super strong #corestrength, #shouldergirdle and at the same time #openshoulders. If you can't do it freestanding, do it against the wall. It's really about finding your #zen, #balance and #drishti. Here's how:
1️⃣ Start with your forearms on the floor with elbows shoulder width (a must!). Keep the feet in the back and body flat in #forearmplank. Suck the belly in firmly. This is a good training ground for your #core and overall stability. Stay here for 1 minute before you proceed - remember, body in a straight line. Rest in #childspose.
2️⃣ Come back to forearm plank. Some schools say hands facing down and block width apart, others say hands can be closer and in #dharmayoga, you bring the hands together and cross the fingers. It doesn't really matter to me. Start walking your feet forward and while you do so, press your shoulders and armpits back away from your hands. Gaze between the elbows. Send the hips as high and walk your feet as forward as you can. This is called #dolphinpose. If your hamstrings are tight, it's ok to bend the knees. This is basically a #downwardfacingdog but with forearms on the ground.
3️⃣ Lift your dominant leg up and keep it straight. While keeping your hips square, hop that top leg up and bring the hips over the shoulders - you can keep the bottom knee bent but the top leg should remain straight. Think about floating your hips up rather coming up into the full pose with both legs up into the final pose.
4️⃣ Once your hips can steady directly over your shoulders, you should be able to find your balance. Feel free to remain in the "top leg straight, bottom leg bent" position. Or when you're ready both legs straight into the final pose. Gazing point is still between the elbows.
Have fun practicing! This is a very challenging pose, a lot more difficult than #headstand and some say even harder than #handstand. But think of your forearms as giant feet and use the wall or have someone spot you. #practiceandalliscoming!
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