今個星期六、日在PMQ舉行的國際純素生活展VeggieWorld Hong Kong會有我的DJ set session。
仲有Hakgwai的現場演出,以及Jinno Neko的煙薰凈化智慧workshop。
VeggieWorld Hong Kong 2019
Kittens...you DID NOT think we were going to leave all the fun to the QUBE only, did you? 😉 Down at the marketplace, we also have our Veggie Stage, hands down ALSO the place you want to be 🌿♥️ Oh decisions, decisions 😆 PLANT wisely! 😂
各位粉絲,壓軸登場: 樓上有嘉賓,樓下有繽fun! 唔係淨係QUBE先至新奇剌激嘅,樓下VeggieStage都好多元化㗎!咁多選擇,小編都選擇困難症呀!😂
Naveda How to enhance your Crowning Glory - "HAIR" by Ms. Veena Dansinghani: we will share Ancient Indian Secrets to promoting Long, Vibrant, Healthy & Volumise Hair - the vegan way.
T-VEG by Humane Theatre: A play inspired by a children's book also written by Smirti Prasadan-Halls, about a vegan T-Rex living in a culture that heavily promotes the consumption of animal products.
Afternoon Chill Session w/ Yuen Chi Chung: HK-based music critic over 30 years. Founder of music magazine "MCB" and a DJ.
Hakgwai: Multi-instrumentalist from Hong Kong. Love life and love to share life.
綠野林.生-活-素餐廳 Greenwoods Raw Cafe Basic Raw Vegan Cheeze demo w/ Rosanna Lou: wanna to be vegan and still crave for cheese? There’s a raw vegan version!
Hohhou(ホッホウ) The Wisdom Of Smudging by Jinno Neko: we will teach you the techniques and theory of smudging and how it related to our nowadays life.
🇭🇰Hong Kong First International Trade Fair + Conference for a #vegan lifestyle.
📆 Mar 16-17, 2019
📍 @pmqhkdesign .
🔖Tickets link in BIO! ☝🏼
#veggieworldhk #veggieworld #plantbased#veganlifestyle #vegan #vegansofig#veganfood #hkvegan #veganasia #reducetarian #flexitarian #pmq#sustainableliving #素食 #香港素食 #純素 #蔬食 #元創方 #veganliving #navedawellness #hakgwai #yuenchichung #rosannalou #hohhou #humanetheatre
humanetheatre 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳解答
非常感謝 @humanetheatre 的精彩演出,歡迎推薦給你的學校或認識的機構喔~
I watched a free drama tonight, very nice, very good rhythm, they brought out the idea of "veganism" in a relaxed and funny way.
Some people may say that children may not understand what's going on about vegans. In fact, children know the best. You can try to think back to yourself when you were young. You will find that you are more pure, more real, more loyal to your own ideas than today, and closer to nature!
Thank you very much for the wonderful performance of @humanetheatre. Feel free to introduce this to your school or the institution you know for a free performance~
#vegans #drama #goodshow #show #veganism #animalsarefriendsnotfood #animalsarefriends #loveanimals #animallover #bevegan #govegan #peace #bekind #kidsaresmart