這陣子一些個股的飆法, 是不是讓您覺得賺錢很容易呢? 這並不是常態, 所以正確的投資與理財觀念很重要. 也請不要認為這樣(買這些飆股)能一夕致富喔.
今天要介紹的一本書, 就是作者藉由分享自己的理財方式, 希望讀者能夠參考自己的方法, 來有系統地打造一個理財計劃.
我年紀不小了, 所以不是這本書的主要目標族群😅, 不過倒挺建議剛入社會, 或是年輕人看看, 說不定會從裡面得到一些啟發. 你不理財, 才不理你. 如果能從年輕時開始擬定適合自己的理財計劃, 並養成習慣, 好好執行, 那財富指日可待!
🌻Fidelity Contrafund的Will Danoff訪談摘要
很扎實, 有內容的一篇訪談. 雖然不少內容都已經在自己的實作上了, 但有從他的談話中應證了以前的一些想法, 於是還是整理了一下筆記(不過也不是完全100%同意他的觀點就是(有寫在下方))
1. Azure revenue growth accelerated and came in above analysts’ expectations for the quarter.
2. Sales of new Xbox consoles didn’t hurt the margin of the Windows business as much as analysts had expected.
3. Revenue guidance for the company quarter beat expectations.
(中文文字來源: https://tw.appledaily.com/property/20210127/YQPVSZAXC5HV5GFAWVZACAT5QQ/)
原文: What we are witnessing is the dawn of a second wave of digital transformation sweeping every company and every industry. Digital capability is key to both resilience and growth. It's no longer enough to just adopt technology. Businesses need to build their own technology to compete and grow. Microsoft is powering this shift with the world's largest and most comprehensive cloud platform.
官方財報新聞稿連結: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Investor/earnings/FY-2021-Q1/press-release-webcast
🌻沒太follow ARK的新聞, 不過最近連續有三個媒體在報導. 這些基金對我來說, 算是動能投資的操作方式. 若碰到修正, 會拉回很多. 供參.
高盛:美股的確已有泡沫現象 SPAC火熱
GS的CEO在財報上也有提到SPAC: Goldman Sachs warned of the risks in SPACs"I do think SPACs is a good use case, versus a traditional IPO, and advantages for sellers and for investors and looking at this ecosystem. But the ecosystem is not without flaws. I think it's still evolving. I think the incentive system is still evolving. One of the things we're watching very, very closely is the incentives of the sponsors, and also the incentives of somebody that selling. And while I think these activity levels continue to be very robust, and that they do continue as we head into 2021 continue to be very, very robust. I do not think this is sustainable in the medium term...things I certainly think is the case is you have something here it's a good capital markets innovation. But like many innovations, there's a point in time as they start, where they have a tendency, maybe to go a little bit too far, and then need to be pulled back or rebalanced in some way. And that's something my guess is we'll see over the course of 2021 or 2022, with SPAC" - Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon
Pictures來源: 出版社提供; https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/microsoft-msft-earnings-q2-2021.html
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅This is Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[有中文字幕] Wage stagnation in Taiwan is a real issue. Many young and well educated Taiwanese are starting to seek better job opportunities abroad. As a ...
incentives中文 在 鄉民挺起來 Facebook 的最佳解答
🌐 #葉克膜 與 #活摘器官 的翻譯紛擾🌐
小編截取一段 #葛特曼 先生與多個翻譯版本中英對照的內容,以下提出比較,請看倌參考指教!
✅ I don't put words in people's mouth.
A) 我不會講人家沒講過的話。
D) 我不會誘導別人講我要的話。
⭕️ 感謝網友建議這句話 #直譯,我不會把話硬塞到人家嘴巴。還有一個古典的 #意譯,我不會張冠李戴、搬弄是非。
✅ The best description I can come out with for the documents we both agreed on, me and Dr. Ko, was middleman. He was a middleman.
A) 我跟柯文哲多次通信後,我們達成共識就是,他在這件事情的角色上是中間人。
D) 從這些我們都同意的文件看來,最能描述柯醫師的一句話就是,他是中間人。
✅ There are three ways that Dr. Ko was valuable to a conference like the one we just saw.
A) 在器官活摘這件事情上面,柯文哲他扮演了至少三個角色。
❌雖然這句譯文幾乎是整個記者會葛特曼對柯醫師的指控,然而在這裡小編認為有 #超譯 的嫌疑。這裡主詞不是器官活摘,”至少”三個角色好像暗示還有更多,口譯一定是太緊張了~ 另外,”扮演三個角色”這樣的譯風還是很不錯的。
⭕️英文的a, one, the 的差別主要是在指定或泛稱,這裡的 a 沒有指定名目與數量,one 是指器官移植研討會,the one是限定葛特曼剛剛出示的2008年在中國的那場。
C) 柯醫生(可能)有三種方式對於像是我們剛剛看到的研討會有價值
D) 例如在我們剛看的那樣的研討會中,柯醫師有三種價值。
✅ These are rather monstrous people that I was going through. There are a lot of terrible people in that conference。It's like pirates or something.
A) 在2008年的研討會上有許多很不好的人。
D) 研討會上有很多差勁的人,這些人人面獸心,有如強盜還是什麼的一樣。
✅ The first way of value, he was a conduit, potential conduit to Taiwanese patients. Foreign organ tourists who will pay more for organs than the Chinese person will.
A) 第一點,柯文哲扮演中間人的角色,他讓台灣比較有錢的所謂器官旅客可以前往中國。
❌ 有錢是跟誰比啊?器官旅客應該只有需求、沒有貧富。
B)第一,他是一個潛在的砝碼(potential counterweight)讓一些願意「付更多」的台灣病人,更加有意願前往中國。
❌ 很抱歉 #counterweight 在這裡語意不通之外,其實完全聽錯葛特曼的用字。
❌ 付更多?不是說好有折扣價嗎?😝
❌ will 在這裡跟意願無關,是需求。
The first way is valuable that is ,he is a conduit, potential conduit to taiwnese patient , for organ tourism who will pay more for organs than chinese patient will.
⭕️ #conduit 這個字很有意思、發音也很好聽,是導管、管道的意思。不是很容易聽出來的單字,恭喜這位ptt鄉民的實力!不過,小編認為譯為管道會比溝通橋樑來的好,因為conduit 的意思已經清楚明顯、不需要贅字形容或延伸、更不需要(“ ”)限定。potential在這裡是形容詞,表示潛在、可能存在,不是名詞表示潛力實力。
❌ #for_organ_tourism 是錯聽,也是文法錯誤、也不是習慣用法。還有鄉民的中英譯文也不一致!#Foreign_organ_tourist 才是葛特曼說的話,因為上一句話說完時有明顯語氣的結束,且下一句是完整的複合子句。另外,一般習慣用法是 #organ_tour器官旅遊,或是 #medical_tourism醫療觀光。
✅ The second way that he was important to them was that He was selling Medtronic ECMO products which are some of the best in the world. They're from America. Very very good company in Minnesota.
A) 第二個角色他作為推銷員的角色,他把美敦力生產的葉克膜器材賣到中國大陸去, 美敦力它製造非常先進的機器。
C) 第二種方式是,他正在銷售美敦力ECMO產品,這是世界最好的,在美國明尼蘇達州非常好的公司
D) 第二種價值是,柯醫師會賣美敦力葉克膜器材,這是世界級機器、美國製造的,公司很不錯、在明尼蘇達州。
✅ The third way was that he was teaching them ECMO techniques, and this is the worst because it created, whether you meant to or not. It was creating perverse incentives to kill Falungong, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, #House_Christians.
⭕️ 後記:這段話的最後這三個字是在葛特曼說話結束、語氣漸弱的結尾,真的很不容易聽清楚了,其他人沒有版本也是這個原因。小編一再考慮是否切掉、是否就我現有的聽譯呈現、幫忙確認的英語母語人士有時間差,在考慮第一時間提供版本給大家的急迫性,小編體力下降腦力燒盡天空已亮起的考量下,決定有什麼貼什麼、讓出機會讓大家來訂正。果真,往上再出力幫忙修正的高手也來了,感謝🙏
A) 第三個,柯文哲扮演的角色,他扮演導師的角色,教導中國如何使用葉克膜技術 #在這個器官活摘上面,這個是我認為最邪惡的部分。
B)第三,柯文哲教導中國如何使用葉克膜的技術,也是最糟的部分,無論柯有意無意,這 #助長(perverse incentive)中國殺害法輪功民眾。
❌ 雖然perverse incentives 不是直接對譯成助長,到底誰助長中國殺害法輪功,這可是葛特曼沒提到的問題。民報的版本很通順,就差在助長。
The third way that he was teaching them ECMO technique ,and this is the worst because it creative, whether #he #mentally or not, he was create a #provoke incentive to kill Falun Gong #paticent
第三種方式是他教他們ECMO技術,這是最糟糕的,因為這創造了一個,#無論他是否意識到,他製造了一個 #良好環境,讓他們殺死法輪功的 #病患
D) 第三種價值是,柯醫師教授葉克膜的技術。這個最糟糕,因為不管有意或無心,#已經造成一種帶有殺傷力的反效果。也就是葉克膜技術被利用來殺害法輪功、維吾爾人、藏人、地下天主教信徒。
❌ 小編對於 perverse incentives 原來版本是「這造成了一種不正當的鼓勵」。在小編睡飽了後、考察網友建議 perverse incentives 是反效果,改了譯文為 #已經造成一種帶有殺傷力的反效果。至於成衣業者使用「誘因」這個譯文,很抱歉這個用詞不正確也不中立。
❌小編感謝網友留言訂正維吾爾族人Uyghurs 以及 House Christians天主教(或是新教更正確)地下教會的人。英語母語人會發音為 /ˈwiːɡər/ ,小編聽譯覺得是wingers,母語人士也確認。雖然整句話還是怪,但時間壓迫下沒有空再做確認因此誤用。是housed 還是house,在沒有確認下決定原稿釋出,請大家指正。
#小編心得報告 翻譯永遠沒有完美,翻譯也永遠值得考究,口譯筆譯(惺惺相惜)所面對的條件都是不同挑戰,小編無惡意批評其他譯作,很多時候只有風格不同,不一定都是對錯。以上各版本及網友不斷留言的版本與註釋(正確嚴謹與否看倌判斷,小編對所有留言保持開放歡迎參與),除了提供各個面向,也同時顯露出更多的缺口。小編手上沒有第九章資料,完全根據記者會的聽譯,基於這是高爭議性議題,且壁壘分明的立場參雜其中,小編秉持專業譯者的態度,完全忠於所聽所說的原文做出專業水準的呈現。小編感謝所有支持的朋友與所有人的關注!
🌐 這一夜我們都是譯者💪🌐
#柯文哲 #屠殺
incentives中文 在 城寨 Facebook 的最讚貼文
較早前我上載了昨晚在尖沙咀黑幫挑釁外國記者的影片,之後網友Max Goldman在城寨fb以英文留言,現翻譯為中文,供大家參考:
在香港,這羣偽愛國者是收到共產黨的指示,變成僱傭兵,與執法機關並肩作戰,有「真心膠」則認為,現在是雪恥「打鬼佬」的時候,他們沉迷在仇外情緒當中, 要真正了解他們,並不是聽其言,而是觀其行。
Pro-Beijing zealots and netizens have somehow seemed as a horde of exhilarated "patriots" who would tirelessly harangue, and mostly rebuke, dissenters (or being regarded as non-patriots) with baseless, ill-founded and even ill-bred arguments. They always easily get adrenaline going and strive to turn a flurry of ire into (either physical, virtual or both) bullying and sometimes even mindless act of violence when they see any sort of denunciation of China in any degree. But I cast doubt on whether these foreigners had actually said or done anything to insult China or CCP.
In HK, some pseudo-patriots receive the party's decree, execute the orders alongside the law enforcement agencies and get paid, whereas others do truly and preposterously believe that it's time for them to pay foreign countries back for the century of humiliation despite some of their inner minds are obsessed with xenophilia in an extremely high degree - it's better to know the real temperament of a Chinese dude from what he does than what he says.
When a party with its roots in bloody history and autocratic regime has today to present itself as the bastion of justice, prosperity and stability, common tactics such as economic incentives, increasingly assertive foreign policies, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and conspiracy theories of foreign meddling are proved, at least temporarily, effectual for passing all bucks from their corrupted governance and for reining in an egotistic populace whose minds are utterly ingrained with inferiority complex and ruthlessness, as a replacement of traditional values and morality, over the course of many violent and self-inflicted sociopolitical movements ever since CCP came into power in 1949. In this vicious circle, not only are the regime and most officials perfectly corrupted but also a country's traditional cultural values, righteousness and morality are buried.
incentives中文 在 This is Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文
Wage stagnation in Taiwan is a real issue. Many young and well educated Taiwanese are starting to seek better job opportunities abroad. As a result, China, in an attempt to unify Taiwan with the mainland, is offering an assortment of incentives to woo Taiwanese over. Will it work?
Are Taiwanese Chinese?
5 Things Taiwan Does Better Than Any Other Country:
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