1⃣ #子公司:具有法人資格,並有獨立的公司章程與財產,須向投審會申請投資許可後,再進行設立登記,盈餘分配時會產生相關稅務,每年繳納18-20%營利事業所得稅
2⃣ #分公司:不具法人資格,由外國總公司負擔權利義務,財產屬於總公司,須向經濟部提出設立申請,沒有盈餘分配稅務問題,每年繳納18-20%營利事業所得稅
3⃣ #辦事處:不具法人資格,須向經濟部申請備審,不必繳交營利事業所得稅,但只能進行簽約、市場調查等非營利行為
有更多創業相關問題嗎? 可以撥打#創業諮詢服務專線☎️0800-589168
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🙋♀️「What different forms can local branches of foreign companies assume? 」
👩🏫Foreign companies can establish their units in Taiwan as subsidiaries, branches, and representative offices.
1⃣ #Subsidiaries: generally profit-seeking and are registered as companies under ROC Company Law. Companies should apply for investment approval from the Investment Commission, MOEA, and then register with the appropriate government organization in charge of company registration.
2⃣ #BranchOffice: also profit-seeking and are registered as companies under foreign laws should first apply for recognition as a foreign company and the establishment of the branch office with the Central Region Office, MOEA.
3⃣ #RepresentativeOffice: Conduct non-profit acts and appoint someone to represent the company in a legal capacity, the company may report the said representative to the Central Region Office, MOEA.
Further information 🔎IEIT #corporation #establishment
legal law差異 在 綠黨 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【綠色新經濟 台灣不缺席】
日前有民眾在公共政策網路參與平台「提點子」發起「開放醫療用大麻」連署,一共超過 5,000 人附議。衛福部原預計 4 月 8 日前正式回應,經過討論後,為求正式回應之周延,決定依法延後到 5 月 8 日前回應。
在 420 全球大麻日這一天,綠黨與民間團體「綠色浪潮」在立法院群賢樓外召開記者會,呼籲衛福部重視病患的醫療需求,在正式回應前能夠充分廣納各方意見,也藉此訴求經濟部發展台灣的綠色經濟。
【Taiwan should legalize medical cannabis and launch the hemp industry chain】
Green Party Taiwan and Green Sensation (N.P.O.) held a press conference outside of Legislative Yuan on April 20, 2020 – the day internationally known as the “Weed Day.” Prior to the official response to a petition to legalize medical marijuana, the two groups reminded the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to value and listen to patients’ medical needs as well as opinions from all stakeholders. An appeal to developing Taiwan’s cannabis (hemp_ industry was also made towards the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).
Research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) has proven that cannabidiol (CBD) does not adversely affect health nor cause addiction, indicating a low possibility of abuse. CBD is now commonly used in foreign countries for antipsychotic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, and other medical purposes. Other than products designed for adults, children, and pets can use these products as well.
“CBD is a chemical compound from the cannabis. Related products are legally circulated in more than 45 countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany,” said Chung Hsien Liu, the Green Party co-chairperson. “In 2017, the MOHW announced that CBD had been listed as a drug; however, no laws and regulations, such as the method of acquisition, were followed by the announcement. The lack of law left the patients and law enforcement personnel no rules to follow, causing many controversies. To date, only ten patients have successfully imported the medication through self-use exemption. With almost no legal channels available, many patients have no option but to take the risk with products sold at the black market.”
Dr. Yenho Lai, a long-time advocate on the application of medical marijuana, said that “cannabis has been stigmatized and misunderstood from the war on drugs for nearly 50 years. It was originally listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P.) in the early twentieth century, and only within the last decade that the world surged to re-emphasize its medical value. Paradoxically, what we want to reverse and challenge is that even before my generation is born, the legal restrictions and resulted negative social atmosphere have been in place.
Cannabis can be described as one of the most medically promising plants with high safety and extensive and the curative effect. Many large-scale trials have been conducted in various countries to catch up with the severely lacking research in the past half-century. Right now, COVID-19 has given us a better understanding of diseases without borders. Although we look different, the physiological structure is similar. The medical effect of cannabis on patients can also be said to have no national boundaries.”
On the business opportunities that could be brought by medical marijuana, Zoe Ching Chi Lee, Deputy Secretary-General of the Green Party Taiwan, pointed out that “taking Japan as an example, CBD can be added to health supplements and cosmetics. In the United States, a certain amount of CBD is categorized as food grade. In Taiwan, there are still no related drugs listed, and the launch of new drugs could take several years and thus fail to address the medical urgency of the patients. Therefore, we call on the MOHW regulate CBD products as it does vitamin products. In terms of the economic side of this issue, in addition to planting the hemp, peripheral industries such as pharmaceuticals, lamps, and temperature control equipment are greatly needed. In recent years, more countries have legalized medical cannabis. The international demand for medical cannabis has proliferated, and related industries are booming. Therefore, we call on the MOEA to assist the small and medium-sized business to establish a cannabis supply chain, allowing Taiwan to seize the opportunity in this wave of internationally emerging green industries.”
📰 新聞參考:
新頭殼報導 https://bit.ly/3csg336
聯合報報導 https://bit.ly/3eAddLk
legal law差異 在 時間教會我的事 Lessons from time Facebook 的最佳解答
這是美國著名政治家 Benjamin Franklin 的名言。
面對今時今日的社會環境,實在沒有心情寫其他文章,今天只想借這個平台,談一下「法治 」(Rule of Law) 這個題目。
不少曾經訓斥示威衝突的人,最常聽見的反應就是:「不管之前的行為怎麼樣,總之違法就不對,要遵守法治精神。」這令我想起之前有幸修讀過「公共法」的課程,那是我在眾多法律課程中最喜歡的一科(雖然不是考的最好的一科)。我想說,這根本不是 Rule of Law,而是 Rule by law (以法管治),那是完全不同的概念。
法治的概念經歷了源遠流長的演化,比較近期的說法,可以引用英國前首席大法官 Lord Bingham 的八大準則 (文章末端附上英文版):
1. 法律須容易為大眾所理解,盡可能易懂、清楚且可以預料。
2. 有關合法權利和法律責任的問題,通常應透過運用法律而非行使酌情權加以解決。
3. 法律應平等適用於所有人,除非客觀差異要求差別對待。
4. 所有公職人員在行使所享權力時,必須真誠、公正,並依照法律授予其權力之目的,不越權,亦不違理性。
5. 法律必須為基本人權提供充分保護。
6. 提供有效的解決爭議的方法和途徑,不應收費過高,不應延誤過長。
7. 任何提供之裁決程序應當公正。
8. 法治要求國家在遵守國內法規定的義務之時,同樣遵守國際法規定義務。
Instagram @lessonsfromtime
"The Rule of Law" by Tom Bingham
Bingham's Rule of Law principles:
1. The law must be accessible, intelligible, clear and predictable.
2. Questions of legal rights and liabilities should ordinarily be resolved by the law and not the exercise of discretion.
3. The law should apply equally to all, except where objective differences justify differentiation.
4. All public officials must exercise their powers in good faith and fairly, and exercise such powers for the purposes they were conferred, without acting beyond the limits of such powers, and they must always act reasonably.
5. The law must afford adequate protection of fundamental human rights.
6. There must be an effective means of dispute resolution, without prohibitive cost or delay.
7. Any adjudicative processes provided for by the state should be fair.
8. The rule of law must be complied with by the state taking into account its national and international obligations.
legal law差異 在 正義與差異政治... - 法律白話文運動Plain Law Movement 的推薦與評價
如果你對於同性婚姻議題、原住民議題、轉型正義議題有興趣,而且你想要補強對這些議題方面的論述,想要讓自己有不同角度的切入,這本書你不能錯過。 ... <看更多>