小釩老師今天不工作、目前爬40分鐘了!feeling good ! 🌻
Altenburg TM, Chinapaw MJ, and Singh AS. 2015. Effects of one versus two bouts of moderate intensity physical activity on selective attention during a school morning in Dutch primary schoolchildren: A randomized controlled trial. J Sci Med Sport. pii: S1440-2440(15)00236-4.
Ardoy DN, Fernández-Rodríguez JM, Jiménez-Pavón D, Castillo R, Ruiz JR, and Ortega FB. 2014. A physical education trial improves adolescents' cognitive performance and academic achievement: the EDUFIT study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 24(1):e52-61
Chaddock-Heyman L, Hillman CH, Cohen NJ, and Kramer AF. 2014. III. The importance of physical activity and aerobic fitness for cognitive control and memory in children. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 79(4):25-50.
Colcombe, S. & Kramer, A.F. 2003. Fitness effects on the cognitive function of older adults: A meta-analytic study. Psychological Science, 14, 125-130.
Cotman, C.W. & Berchtold, N.C. 2002. Exercise: a behavioral intervention to enhance brain health and plasticity. Trends in Neurosciences, 25 (6), 295-301.
Davis CL, Tomporowski PD, Boyle CA, Waller JL, Miller PH, Naglieri JA, Gregoski M. 2007. Effects of aerobic exercise on overweight children's cognitive functioning: a randomized controlled trial. Res Q Exerc Sport. 78(5):510-9.
Davis CL, Tomporowski PD, McDowell JE, Austin BP, Miller PH, Yanasak NE, Allison JD, Naglieri JA. 2011.Exercise improves executive function and achievement and alters brain activation in overweight children: A randomized, controlled trial. Health Psychol. 30(1):91-8
Dietrich, A. & Sparling, P.B. 2004. Endurance exercise selectively impairs prefrontal-dependent cognition. Brain and Cognition, 55 (3), 516-524.
Drollette ES, Scudder MR, Raine LB, Moore RD, Saliba BJ, Pontifex MB, Hillman CH. 2014. Acute exercise facilitates brain function and cognition in children who need it most: an ERP study of individual differences in inhibitory control capacity. Dev Cogn Neuroscience 7:53-64.
Fedewa AL and Ahn S. 2011. The effects of physical activity and physical fitness on children's achievement and cognitive outcomes: a meta-analysis. Res Q Exerc Sport. 82(3):521-35.
Guiney H and Machado L. 2012. Benefits of regular aerobic exercise for executive functioning in healthy populations. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. DOI 10.3758/s13423-012-0345-4.
Howie EK, Schatz J, and Pate RR. 2015. Acute Effects of Classroom Exercise Breaks on Executive Function and Math Performance: A Dose-Response Study. Res Q Exerc Sport. 86(3):217-24.
Kamijo K, Takeda Y, Takai Y, Haramura M. 2015. Greater aerobic fitness is associated with more efficient inhibition of task-irrelevant information in preadolescent children. Biol Psychol. 110:68-74.
Kamijo K, Pontifex MB, O’Leary KC, Scudder MR, Wu C-T, Castelli DM, and Hillman CH. 2011. The effects of an afterschool physical activity program on working memory in preadolescent children. Dev Sci. 14(5): 1046–1058.
Keely TJH and Fox KR. 2009. The impact of physical activity and fitness on academic achievement and cognitive performance in children. Int Rev Sports Exercise Physiology 2(2): 198-214.
Hillman CH, Pontifex MB, Castelli DM, Khan NA, Raine LB, Scudder MR, Drollette ES, Moore RD, Wu CT, Kamijo K. 2014. Effects of the FITKids Randomized Controlled Trial on Executive Control and Brain Function. Pediatrics pii: peds.2013-3219. [Epub ahead of print]
Hillman CH, Buck SM, Themanson JR, Pontifex MB, Castelli DM. 2009a. Aerobic fitness and cognitive development: Event-related brain potential and task performance indices of executive control in preadolescent children. Dev Psychol. 45(1):114-29.
Hillman CH, Pontifex MB, Raine LB, Castelli DM, Hall EE, Kramer AF. 2009b. The effect of acute treadmill walking on cognitive control and academic achievement in preadolescent children. Neuroscience. 159(3):1044-54.
Hillman CH, Castelli DM, and Buck SM. 2005. Aerobic fitness and neurocognitive function in healthy preadolescent children. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 37(11): 1967-1974.
Kramer AF, Colcombe SJ, McAuley E, Scalf PE, and Erickson KI. 2005. Fitness, aging and neurocognitive function. Neurobiol Aging. 2005 Dec;26 Suppl 1:124-7.
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Group fitness FAQ
團課常見問題 <ㄧ>🌟
Q: How much do I need to work out in order to see physical changes in my body?
A: Your results largely depend on three factors: 1) duration 2) intensity 3) frequency.
If you walk mindlessly on the elliptical for an hour everyday (good duration & frequency), you might want to make your routine more challenging by increasing the resistance or incline (improve intensity). If you take a one-hour HIIT class every week (good duration & intensity), you might want to take two or three more classes during the week (improve frequency).
Sample case: Student A is trying to slim down 3kg for her wedding photo shoot. She takes two yoga classes and one TRX class every week.
Duration- One-hour classes are fine!
Intensity- She could add more "power" classes into her schedule, such as core strengthening, weight training, and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This way, she could build up more muscles and speed up her metabolism to help her burn more calories per day.
在強度方面,她可以安排更多「有強度、會爆汗」的課程 ,例如強化核心、重量訓練、高強度訓練。如此一來,她可以增加肌肉量,提高新陳代謝,幫助她一天下來燃燒更多熱量。
Frequency- If she really wants to slim down, it is recommended by the National Association for Fitness Certification (NAFC) that she completes 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activities per week. In other words, I would recommend an hour of cardiovascular activity five days a week for students who are trying to slim down. These activities include: running, swimming, biking, spinning, elliptical, and aerobic dancing.
The key here is to strike a balance among the three big factors. Take a moment and evaluate your workout schedule. Find out what could be improved upon and make those changes accordingly.
This week, I will be answering extensively on one FAQ per day. Happy training! 😊
moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity 在 運動營養知多少 Facebook 的最佳解答
對於一般健康人而言,運動的確是預防慢性疾病的最佳良藥,然而運動的方式千百種,根據美國運動醫學會的建議(American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM),對於一般人而言,每週至少30分鐘的適當強度的連續型運動(Moderate Continuous Exercise, MCT)或是20分鐘高等強度的連續型運動,當然如果需要減重則這樣的運動頻率當然是不夠的。但是,你是否曾想過,建議用來燃脂減重的高強度間歇式訓練(Higher Intensity Interval Training, HIIT)是否也能運用在患有心血管疾病的慢性病人身上?答案是YES!
什麼是高強度間歇式訓練?相較於適當強度(40~60% 儲備心跳數1或是感覺盡力程度評級2表4~5/10或是12~14/20)連續運動維持一定心跳的運動方式,高強度間歇式訓練指的是在一段時間內的運動,同時包含了較高心跳速率(80~90% 儲備心跳數1或是感覺盡力程度評級2表7~9/10或是15~16/20)以及恢復適當的心跳速率(60~70% 儲備心跳數1或是感覺盡力程度評級2表4~5/10或是12~14/20)反覆出現的運動模式,圖A上半部指的是適當強度的連續型運動,下半部則是屬於高強度間歇式訓練,圖解則可清楚表示兩種運動的不同。常見的較高心跳速率以及恢復適當的心跳速率的時間比約為1:1或是1.3:1,1個比例的間隔運動通常會是3分鐘、4分鐘或5分鐘,意思是說每進行3分鐘的高強度運動之後,便需要3分鐘的恢復期,然後再繼續3分鐘的高強度運動繼續下去;而1.3:1則為4分鐘的高強度運動之後搭配3分鐘的恢復期。針對於有慢性病患的訓練的頻率則為一個禮拜1~2次的高強度間歇式訓練,每一次則包含3~4組(1組為一個高強度加一個恢復)間歇式訓練。根據美國運動醫學會的建議,適用於高強度間歇式訓練的有氧運動包含了:走路、跑步、階梯運動(Stair climbing)、腳踏車、划艇(Rowing)以及游泳。
為什麼這幾年高強度間歇式訓練會變得這麼熱門?因為這樣的訓練方式可以根據每個人的狀況不同而有所調整,像是過重、肥胖甚至是糖尿病人都適合。它所提供的運動效果會比適當強度的連續型運動要來的更好,運動時間也來的更短,運動完畢之後所需要的氧攝取量(Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption, EPOC)也比較高,消耗的熱量也比傳統的連續型運動多增加6~15%。那高強度間歇式訓練具備了什麼優點呢?1.可以同時使用到有氧及無氧呼吸來消耗能量;2.改善血壓、促進心臟血管功能;3.改善胰島素敏感性,增加肌肉對於葡萄糖的利用;4.改善膽固醇指標;5.減少腹部脂肪及增加肌肉重量。對於心血管疾病的患者比起適當強度的連續型運動,高強度間歇式訓練更可改善心肺功能、促進血管舒張、改善心情以及更多的能量消耗。
圖A:適當強度的連續型運動的運動強度及高強度間歇式訓練的運動強度 (Puhan et al., 2006)
文章到此,許多人可能會關心的問題是,對於心血管疾病的患者,包含心肌梗塞、心臟移植、冠狀動脈繞道手術…等,高強度間歇式訓練真的安全嗎?根據Leon等人在2005年所發表的研究,對於心血管疾病復健(Cardiac rehabilitation)的患者,適當強度的連續型運動發生危險的機率約為每50000至120000有1人;而根據Rognmo等人在2012年所發表的研究中發現,高強度間歇式訓練所發生的危險機率其實也很低(表1),因此安全性是無庸置疑的。
表1 (Rognmo et al., 2012)
雖然高強度間歇式訓練對於一般心血管疾病患者是很安全的運動方式,但是並不代表這樣的運動方式適用於所有的心血管疾病患者。根據美國心臟血管及肺臟復健學會(American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, AACVPR)建議,若符合以下條件之患者,則不建議使用高強度間歇式訓練:
Angina pectoris greater than class I on Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification
Greater than 1 mm ST depression on exercise EKG
Myocardial Infraction / Percutaneous coronary intervention < 3 weeks
CABG < 4 weeks
LV Ejection Fraction < 40%
Complex ventricular arrhythmias or a-fib
Orthopedic limitations to treadmill exercise (must be able to walk > 20 minutes on treadmill)
後記:會挑這樣的主題寫下這篇文章的原因是因為,筆者目前正在美國的心肺功能復健中心(Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation)實習,看見許多來做復健的病人們其實存在的不只有心臟疾病問題,當然有血糖問題的也是佔多數,而這些患者因為保險給付的關係(根據疾病狀況,美國保險給付總共24次或36次的復健次數),因此每週會到復健中心報到3次,每次運動1個小時,持續維持2至3個月,當然在運動期間會有所屬的醫護人員照護,包含了呼吸治療師、護士以及運動生理學家(exercise physiologist)3。而高強度間歇式訓練目前正運用在實習的單位中,很讓我難忘的是,筆者在實習中心看到兩位即將畢業的心血管疾病患者竟然可以在跑步機上奔馳,他們的年齡也都50歲以上了!當然不是建議要跑步,只是看到他們在復健中心有如此大的進步真的讓人很驚豔!運動不止可以當作一種處方,而是一種比藥物更棒的治療方法!
1儲備心跳數:(Heart Rate Reserve, HRR = (HRmax-HRrest) x intensity + HRrest)。HRmax為最大心跳,可用年齡做為預測方式,其公式為(220-年齡);intensity指的是運動強度,適當的運動強度為40~60%,較高的運動強度則為60~80%;而HRrest指的則是休息時的心跳。
2感覺盡力程度評級表:Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale,為一種評量運動時候自己對於運動強度的評值,評級表分為兩種:一種是1到10分,1分是自己覺得運動很輕微,10分則是強度最重;另外一種是6到20分,中等的運動強度約為12到14分。臨床上6到20分的評量表較為常見。
3美國運動醫學會(American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM)在2015年之後不再使用原本的運動專員(Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist®)名稱,而通通更名為運動生理學家(Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist®)
Puhan MA, Büsching G, Schünemann HJ, VanOort E, Zaugg C, Frey M. Interval versus continuous high-intensity exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2006 Dec 5;145(11):816-25.
Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, Thompson PD, Williams MA, Lauer MS; American Heart Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation. 2005 Jan 25;111(3):369-76.
Rognmo Ø, Moholdt T, Bakken H, Hole T, Mølstad P, Myhr NE, Grimsmo J, Wisløff U. Cardiovascular risk of high- versus moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in coronary heart disease patients. Circulation. 2012 Sep 18;126(12):1436-40. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.123117. Epub 2012 Aug 9. PMID: 22879367
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