- Cùng học 10 cặp từ đồng nghĩa hay gặp nào!
1. Indigence (n) /ˈɪn.dɪ.dʒəns/ = poverty (n) /ˈpɒv.ə.ti/ : Sự nghèo đói
- Indigence (n): the state of being very poor:
There is a reason you see someone riding a second-rate bike, and it's not indigence.
He claimed indigence and is being .
- Poverty (n): the condition of being extremely poor:
Two million people in the city live in abject (= very great) poverty.
He emigrated to Australia to escape the grinding (= very great) poverty of his birthplace.
Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
2. Indigent /ˈɪn.dɪ.dʒənt/ = poverty-stricken /ˈpɒv.ə.tiˌstrɪk.ən/: rất nghèo
- Indigent (adj): very poor
We are a non-profit agency that provides legal services to indigent clients.
- Poverty-stricken (adj)
A poverty-stricken person or place is suffering from the effects of being extremely poor:
Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.
There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.
3. Sanction /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ = approve /əˈpruːv/; ratify /ˈræt.ɪ.faɪ/: Đồng ý,
chấp thuận
- Sanction (v) : to formally give permission for something
UK /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ US /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/
The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
- Approve (v) : to have a positive opinion of someone or something
UK /əˈpruːv/ US /əˈpruːv/
She doesn't approve of my friends.
He doesn't approve of smoking.
I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing.
- Ratify (v): (especially of governments or organizations) to make an agreement official
UK /ˈræt.ɪ.faɪ/ US /ˈræt̬.ə.faɪ/
Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.
The decision will have to be ratified (= approved) by the executive board.
4. Predilection /ˌpriː.dɪˈlek.ʃən/ = preference /ˈpref.ər.əns/ , liking /ˈlaɪ.kɪŋ/: Niềm vui thích, sở thích
- Predilection (n): If someone has a predilection for something, they like it a lot
UK /ˌpriː.dɪˈlek.ʃən/ US /ˌpred.əlˈek.ʃən/
Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food.
- Preference (n) : the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person
UK /ˈpref.ər.əns/ US /ˈpref.ər.əns/
Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
I have a preference for sweet food over spicy.
Choosing furniture is largely a matter of personal preference.
- Liking (n): a feeling that you like someone or something; the fact of liking someone or something
UK /ˈlaɪ.kɪŋ/ US /ˈlaɪ.kɪŋ/
She has a liking for fine wines.
I'm developing quite a liking for jazz.
5. Insularity /ˌɪn.sjəˈlær.ə.ti/ = narrow-mindedness /ˌnær.əʊˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/; isolation /ˌaɪ.səlˈeɪ.ʃən/ (n): Sự tách biệt, sự không bằng lòng
- Insularity (n): the quality of only being interested in your own country or group and not being willing to accept different or foreign ideas
UK /ˌɪn.sjəˈlær.ə.ti/ US /ˌɪn.səˈler.ə.t̬i/
Their actions have led to accusations of insularity or arrogance.
She dislikes the cosy insularity of the local jazz scene.
- Narrow-mindedness (n): the quality of being narrow-minded (= unwilling to accept ideas that are different from your own)
UK /ˌnær.əʊˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/ US /ˌner.oʊˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/
He wanted to escape from the narrow-mindedness of the people in the small town where he grew up.
6. Propriety /prəˈpraɪə.ti/ = correct behavior or conduct (n) /kəˈrekt/ /bɪˈheɪ.vjɚ/ /ɔːr//kənˈdʌkt/ : Sự đứng đắn, chuẩn mực
- Propriety (n): correct moral behaviour or actions
UK /prəˈpraɪə.ti/ US /prəˈpraɪə.t̬i/
The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.
7. Intransigence /ɪnˈtræn.sɪ.dʒəns/ = refusal of any compromise /rɪˈfjuː.zəl//əv//ˈen.i/ /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/; stubbornness /ˈstʌb.ən.nəs/ (n): Sự cứng đầu, ngoan cố, cố chấp
- Intransigence (n): the quality of refusing to change your opinions or behaviour
UK /ɪnˈtræn.sɪ.dʒəns/ US /ɪnˈtræn.sə.dʒəns/
Officials yesterday blamed council intransigence for the failure to reach a deal.
- Stubbornness (n): the quality of being determined to do what you want and refusing to do anything else
UK /ˈstʌb.ən.nəs/ US /ˈstʌb.ɚn.nəs/
His colleagues find his stubbornness difficult to deal with.
8. Fervor /ˈfɝːvɚ/ = glowing ardor /ˈɡləʊ.ɪŋ/ /ˈɑːr.dɚ/ ; intensity of feeling (n) /ɪnˈten.sə.ti/ /əv//ˈfiː.lɪŋ/ : Sự nhiệt tình
- Fervor (n) (UK fervour): strong and sincere beliefs
US /ˈfɝːvɚ/ UK /ˈfɜː.vər/
The country was swept by patriotic fervor.
9. Disparage /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ = belittle /bɪˈlɪt.əl/ (v) Làm mất uy tín
- Disparage (v): to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it
UK /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ US /dɪˈsper.ɪdʒ/
The actor's work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
- Belittle (v): to make a person or an action seem as if he, she or it is not important
UK /bɪˈlɪt.əl/ US /bɪˈlɪt̬.əl/
Though she had spent hours fixing the computer, he belittled her efforts.
10. Obviate /ˈɒb.vi.eɪt/ = to prevent /prɪˈvent/; make unnecessary; get rid of (v): Ngăn cản, loại bỏ
- Obviate (v) : to remove a difficulty, especially so that action to deal with it becomes unnecessary
UK /ˈɒb.vi.eɪt/ US /ˈɑːb.vi.eɪt/
A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.
- Prevent verb (v) to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
UK /prɪˈvent/ US /prɪˈvent/
Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.
- Get rid of sth: to remove or throw away something unwanted
That cream got rid of my skin rash.
Nguồn ví dụ: Từ điển Cambridge.
poverty solution 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的精選貼文
Kesamarataan dalam pendidikan merupakan isu yang sentiasa menjadi perdebatan apabila tidak semua pelajar di negara ini mempunyai peluang yang sama rata. Perkara tunjang yang membelenggu isu ini adalah jurang pendapatan ekonomi.
Tiada ibu bapa yang mahukan anak mereka tercicir dalam pendidikan. Namun, jika terpaksa memilih antara bekerja di usia muda atau belajar; mereka hakikatnya tersepit. Sebagai seorang ibu dan aktivis, sedih hati saya apabila membaca kes-kes kemiskinan menjadi punca keciciran pelajaran dalam negara ini. Saya percaya suatu hari nanti anak-anak tidak mengira latar belakang akan menjadi masa depan negara kita.
Cabaran kita menghadapi wabak COVID 19 mutakhir ini menyedarkan kita bahawa golongan berpendapatan rendah adalah golongan paling terkesan. Ada antara pelajar dari golongan ini tidak mempunyai akses pendidikan seperti capaian internet dan gadget untuk kelas atas talian.
Tanggungjawab kerajaan adalah untuk memastikan tiada yang tercicir dalam menghadapi situasi yang mencabar ini. Kerajaan perlu menggariskan polisi dan program berkesan untuk menangani isu kemiskinan berpuncan dari pelbagai faktor.
Untuk menangani isu kemiskinan di Malaysia, sudah tiba masanya kita merangka beberapa langkah seperti :
1. Meningkatkan pendapatan negara melalui sistem kutipan cukai yang telus dan menyeluruh, terutamanya daripada golongan 1% terkaya di negara ini. Peningkatan hasil pendapatan membolehkan kita meningkatkan dana untuk menjalankan lebih banyak inisiatif berkesan bagi membasmi kemiskinan di negara kita.
2. Meningkatkan pendapatan minimum dengan kadar 10% daripada kadar sekarang. Ini perlu dilakukan melalui rundingan semula berkenaan syarat penglibatan Malaysia dengan ekonomi global, secara kolektif dan beransur-ansur. Dengan nilai RM 2,208 sebagai garis nilai kemiskinan, adalah sangat penting untuk kita membantu rakyat mencapai pendapatan minima yang lebih tinggi bagi menambah keboleh-upayaan mereka dalam berbelanja.
3. Memastikan kesejahteraan bersama melalui perkongsian kekayaan negara yang lebih meluas, teratur dan dikawal selia dengan baik. Kita perlu merangka untuk menambah dana dan meneruskan subsidi seperti mySalam , I-Suri disamping membangunkan lebih banyak inisiatif untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat.
Ini adalah antara langkah-langkah yang boleh kita bincangkan dengan lebih teliti.
Saya percaya kita mampu bertindak lebih proaktif dalam menjaga kebajikan rakyat. Saya menyeru pihak kerajaan, marilah kita melaksanakan tanggungjawab kita dalam memastikan tiada lagi rakyat yang tercicir kerana dibelenggu kemiskinan
Ainie Haziqah
Ketua Wanita Muda Negara
It's hard to talk about equality in education when not all of us have the same opportunity and access as the privilege one does.
No parents would want their children to be uneducated, but when the choice is between to live or to learn; the choice doesn't seem like a choice anymore. It is heart breaking that beacause of poverty, our children's potential dimmed and we in return, may have lost generation that possibly can bring greater good to our country.
This war we have against COVID 19 has shown us that it is the poor that would be affected the most in time of crisis. Rakyat has given us their mandate; it is our duty in government to outline a wholesome policies and programmes to take care of our people.
To end persistent poverty in Malaysia, it is time that we canvas ways to:
1. Increase country's revenue through just and fair collection of taxes, especially by top 1% richest in the country to raise funds for initiatives to alleviate people from line of poverty.
2. Increase current minimum wages by 10% through gradual and collective renegotiation on our terms of engagement with global economy. With RM 2,208 as new poverty line income , it is important that we work to increase people's minimum wage to help lift their everyday's capability to spend.
3. Share wealth by continuing and increasing fund to subsidize current initiative (eg: mySalam and i-Suri among many) and expand it through more structured and well monitored programmes.
These are some solution that I believe we could explore as a government.
I believe we could do more for our people. Let's do our duty and make sure that no one would ever be left behind.
Ainie Haziqah
Ketua Wanita Muda Negara
Gambar: Akhbar The Star, 21 Oktober 2020
poverty solution 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[翻轉視界7] 回饋偏鄉奉獻己力!
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 家扶基金會
捐款活動: 為讓更多人看到家扶基金會的相關資訊,這篇貼文每獲得1個讚數我便會捐出2元,每獲得1個分享就捐出5元。
活動截止日期: 06.24.2020
EDIT: 活動已經圓滿結束,謝謝大家的愛心 (捐款收據已放在留言區)。
In Taiwan, two out of every ten people in poverty are children. According to statistics from the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, approximately 4-6% of children will be born into families suffering from poverty. They don’t have enough food and nutrition, lack protection and care, and grow up to fall into the vicious cycle of poverty. “There is no simple solution to poverty.” From the long-term observation of the YongLin Education Foundation, 100 children have 100 different stories. There is no simple solution to their problem. “You have to help every child achieve his or her happiness.” Get close to them, listen to them, and lend them a helping hand.
1. suffer from poverty 陷於貧窮
2. according to 根據
3. lack proper nutrition缺乏適當的營養
4. the vicious cycle of poverty 貧困的惡性循環
5. there is no simple solution 沒有單一的解決方式
6. long-term observation 長期觀察
7. lend someone a helping hand 像某人伸出援手
The 23-year-old Liang-chin Chen once worked four jobs as a child. When in junior high school, his parents failed in their business venture and were frequent by loan sharks who often came to collect debts. They borrowed NT$300,000, but with rolling interests, their debt accumulated into the millions. His family lived in metal shacks, and all their hard-earned cash was given to underground loan sharks. “I earn my own living expenses, and I went to sell mantou (Chinese steamed buns) at moving night markets for NT$5 apiece. When business was good, I would earn NT$400, and the whole family would be able to fill their bellies the next day.” Once when he was in the seventh grade, a gang member came to his house and scolded him: If you don’t have money, why do you bother to study? Why not go out and make some money?!
8. business venture 商業冒險、事業投機
9. loan shark 放高利貸者
10. collect debts 討債
11. rolling interest 滾利
12. metal shacks 鐵皮屋
13. hard-earned cash 辛苦錢
14. fill their bellies填飽他們的肚子
15. scold (v.) 責罵,責備
16. a gang member 黑道成員
17. bother to 努力,盡力;費心*
*bother to: https://bit.ly/2Y676IH
In this environment, Liang-chin Chen could not care less about school work, focusing only on working part-time jobs to make ends meet. He lived this way until his high school teacher convinced him that “studying holds the greater value” by showing him how he can receive scholarships through good grades. It’s more cost-effective than selling mantou. Liang-chin Chen climbed from the bottom of a remote high school to the top of his class in a national university. His university even helped him pay back the loan sharks through scholarships. He is currently a postgraduate student at National Cheng Kung University. This year, Liang-chin Chen is teaching elders how to exercise in Tainan’s remote areas. “I don’t have the money to contribute back to society and to help others, so I will use my skills and abilities to help elders in the community.” Liang-chin Chen is also a lecturer for Fubon Charity Foundation’s Youth from Disadvantaged Family Program.
18. could not care less abt sth (表示強調)一點也不在乎某事 (這裡指自暴自棄)*
19. make ends meet 勉強維持生計
20. cost-effective 有成本效益的;物有所值的;合算的,划算的
21. contribute back to 回饋給
22. disadvantaged 處於劣勢的,處於不利地位的
*could not care less: https://bit.ly/3ft0UjR
Liang-chin Chen is a paragon of the charity’s efforts to invite homegrown talents back to local comminutes in Tainan. Always smiling and speaking Taiwanese with elders, Liang-chin Chen can empathize with poverty-stricken children in remote regions. “I was a kid who grew up in a metal shack, but I met so many remarkable people who helped me during my studies. Do not be ashamed of your roots. Work to achieve your goals 10, 20 years from now, and you can do it. I am a living example of what one can accomplish.”
23. a paragon of 完人,盡善盡美的模範(或典型)
24. homegrown talents 在地的優異人才
25. local communities 在地社區
26. poverty-stricken 貧困的,一貧如洗的
27. remote regions 偏鄉地區
28. remarkable people 貴人
29. don’t be ashamed of 不需要以…為恥,不用為…感到不好意思
30. one’s roots 一個人的出身
貧窮解方 Solutions to Poverty
Help poverty-stricken children outside the system
Use local talents to reduce talent loss
Contribute back to the community from which we came
完整報導詳見聯合報UDN : https://bit.ly/2N2YnRi
圖片來源: https://bit.ly/2N2YnRi
公益講座計畫: http://bit.ly/3990snT
Eric's English Lounge宗旨與目標: https://bit.ly/3edbzyZ
poverty solution 在 The Top 12 Solutions To Cut Poverty in the United States 的相關結果
2021年6月30日 — The Top 12 Solutions To Cut Poverty in the United States · 1. Expand safety net programs to benefit all in need · 2. Create good-paying jobs that ... ... <看更多>
poverty solution 在 8 World-Changing Solutions to Poverty 的相關結果
1. Educate children. Education is one of the best solutions to poverty. · 2. Provide clean water · 3. Ensure basic health care · 4. Empower a girl ... ... <看更多>
poverty solution 在 7 Solutions to poverty that will get us to 2030 的相關結果
Solutions to poverty to get us to 2030 · 1. Equality and representation for all · 2. Building resilience — climate and otherwise… · 3. …But ... ... <看更多>