🤰🏻 b o d y 👙
It’s no surprise that the body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. Honestly, it hasn’t hit me until this week when Facebook decided to show me a pic of me in a bikini 6 years ago.. (swipe -> to see)
✔️ stretch marks
✔️ darkened skin
✔️ bloated legs
✔️ preggo brain
✔️ glowing skin :)
... to name a few
#32weekspregnant #thethingswegothroughtohavebabies #thirdtrimester #beforeandafter #pregnantyoga #preggolife #pregnantbelly #mamatobe #孕婦瑜珈 #孕婦照 #大肚相 #準媽媽 #dancerpose #yogaeverywhere #babybump #unionvillemainstreet #toogoodpond
@ Hong Kong
unionvillemainstreet 在 Yoga with Wen Facebook 的最讚貼文
🧱 w a l l vs b r i d g e 🌉
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges” #isaacnewton
World peace, can it ever be achieved? The hopeful answer is yes, but reality tells us we’re far from it. The political atmosphere has been focused on walls, whether it be building one or writing on one.
Perhaps the solution isn’t to go vertical, but rather horizontal. As walls separate, and bridges connect.
This does not solely reflect my political view, but my view in life as a whole. Making meaningful connections; whether it be between you and yourself, or you and others, it will bring more good than harm. Shutting the ability to connect will lead to isolation and segregation.
So make the connection, build a bridge. It’s much easier to walk across than to climb over.
#sometimesiwrite #justmyopinion #peaceofmind #30weekspregnant #thirdtrimester #pregnantyoga #preggolife #pregnantbelly #mamatobe #孕婦瑜珈 #孕婦照 #大肚相 #purvottanasana #yogaeverywhere #babybump #unionvillemainstreet #toogoodpond
unionvillemainstreet 在 Yoga with Wen Facebook 的最讚貼文
👍🏻 t o o g o o d 👍🏻
Life is good~ especially after I met my loving husband and started building our family together. In my mind, I always thought it’s #toogood to be true, I don’t deserve this, and something will go wrong. Because my life hasn’t been smooth sailing, I always lived in doubt.
I’m sure many people can relate. When we’re stuck in a depressed state, it becomes a rabbit hole, and it just never seems to end. We always see ourselves as victims, we blame others for our tears, we constantly long for love and care, and we feel sorry for ourselves all the time.
It took me years to step out of the darkness that I cast upon myself. Everything changed when I realized, all we need is #selflove, #selfcare, and #selfrespect. The ability to empower yourself is the best gift you can ever receive. Pssst... #yogahelps, though I know it sounds like a cliche :P
So whoever you are, wherever you may be, whatever you’re going through, take a deep breath and tell yourself you deserve to live a good life, you deserve to be happy, and you deserve all the love you allow yourself to feel. 😘 #yogacanhelpwiththat
Thank you hubby @jeff.c319 for helping see this.
#29weekspregnant #thirdtrimester #pregnantyoga #preggolife #mamatobe #孕婦瑜珈 #孕婦照 #大肚相 #treepose #vrksasana #yogaeverywhere #babybump #unionvillemainstreet #toogoodpond @ Toogood Pond