[時事英文] 2015 Nepal Earthquake (2015年尼泊爾地震)
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relief supplies 救援物資
fail to reach 不能/未抵達
epicenter 震央
7.8 magnitude earthquake 7.8 級地震
landslides 山崩
hindered rescue attempts 妨礙救援
stricken 受災的
gather momentum 積聚力量
search-and-rescue teams 搜救團隊
trapped in the rubble 困在瓦礫中
aerial surveys 空中勘察
widespread devastation 大面積的受災
flattened by the quake 被地震夷為平地的
…without shelter and in urgent need of medical attention 失去住所,急需醫療救助
earthmoving equipment 挖掘設備
survivors 倖存者
earthquake zone 地震帶
death toll 死亡人數
地質學: http://goo.gl/7OGxxk
地震規模: http://goo.gl/ouwhto
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The death toll (死亡人數) from Nepal’s (尼泊爾的) worst earthquake in 80 years rose to about 3,800 yesterday, with 6,500 injured, as rescuers struggled to reach remote hill villages while Kathmandu’s small airport was overwhelmed by flights carrying relief supplies (救援物資).
Nepalese media said rescue teams had failed to reach (不能/未抵達) some villages in northern Gorkha, near the earthquake’s epicenter (震中心), by yesterday afternoon, more than 48 hours after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake (7.8級地震) struck on Saturday. Overnight rain and fresh landslides (山崩) had further hindered rescue attempts (妨礙了人們的救援努力).
However, international efforts to assist the stricken (受災的) Himalayan nation were gathering momentum (積聚力量). Search-and-rescue teams (搜救團隊) from India, China, Pakistan, the US, Israel and the Netherlands are on the ground, with more from the UK, Finland and Japan expected shortly. The squads are carrying emergency relief supplies and using specially trained dogs to search for people trapped in the rubble (困在瓦礫中的人們).
Aerial surveys (空中勘察) of the worst affected valleys, carried out jointly by Indian Air Force helicopters and Nepali military officials, revealed widespread devastation (大面積的受災情況). Helicopters found village after village in remote Himalayan valleys completely flattened by the quake (被地震夷為平地的村莊). Tens of thousands of people are without shelter and in urgent need of medical attention (失去住所,急需醫療救助).”
More than 900 of the deaths have occurred in or near Kathmandu, according to police, who are waiting for earthmoving equipment (挖掘設備) to arrive so they can begin digging in the rubble (挖開瓦礫) in the hope of finding more survivors (倖存者).
Thousands have been injured across Nepal, and the UN Development Programme estimates more than 40 per cent of the country’s land mass (土地) has been affected. About 6.6m of Nepal’s 28m people live in the earthquake zone (地震帶).
Image: http://media-3.web.britannica.com/eb-media/92/182392-004-BF6B54E4.jpg
時事英文: http://goo.gl/3EnOO6
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[時事英文] The Charlie Hebdo Shooting 查理周刊總部槍擊案
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1. assault rifle, shotgun, RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) launcher 衝鋒槍、霰彈槍、火箭榴彈發射器
2. automatic weapons 自動化武器
3. assailant 襲擊者;兇徒
4. force their way into 強行進入
5. satirical newspaper 撰寫諷刺性文章的報刊
6. fire up to 50 shots 開了50槍
7. attract worldwide attention 引發了全世界的關注
8. main motive of the attackers 這些襲擊者的主要動機
9. lampoon 嘲諷
10. depictions of Muhammad 對於穆罕默德的描繪
11. founder of Islam 伊斯蘭教的創始人
12. show a hatred for... 顯示...對於的怨恨
13. massacre 大屠殺
14. claim responsibility for the attack 宣稱為此次襲擊的主使者
15. a massive manhunt 一項大規模的搜捕行動
16. police intervention 警方介入
17. in connection with the attack 與此次襲擊有關連
18. link to 與…有連結
19. …were detained by the police ...被警方拘留
20. on the run 逃亡中
21. armed and dangerous 武裝且具危險性
22. hold hostage 持有人質
23. track down 經追蹤或搜索而發現
24. raise threat level 提高威脅指數
25. open fire 開火;開槍
26. martyrs 殉教者
27. …were gunned down by the police 被警方擊斃
28. kosher(食物等)符合猶太教教規的,潔淨的
29. a kosher supermarket 猶太教超市
30. deadliest act of terrorism 恐怖主義的致命行為
31. honor the victims 紀念遇難者
32. publication 出版品;發表;刊物
33. continue as usual 如同往常一般持續下去
34. ...declared that France was at war with radical Islam ...宣布法國與激進的伊斯蘭教派宣戰
35. “It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity.” 這是一場反對恐怖主義、聖戰主義、激進派伊斯蘭教以及任何可能危及到博愛、自由和團結等精神的戰爭。.
36. honor the victims 紀念遇難者
37. offer our condolences and deepest sympathies (至上/表示)我們的悼念以及最深的同情
On 7 January 2015, two masked gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifles, a shotgun, and an RPG launcher forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France. The gunmen fired up to 50 shots with automatic weapons, while shouting "God is great" in Arabic.They killed twelve people, including the editor of the magazine, seven other Charlie Hebdo employees, and two national police officers, and wounded eleven others. The newspaper has attracted worldwide attention for its regular depictions of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.
Hatred for Charlie Hebdo 's cartoons, which made jokes about Islamic leaders as well as Muhammad, is perceived to be the main motive for the massacre. The former deputy director of the CIA proposed that the motive of the attackers was to shut down a media organization that lampooned the Prophet Muhammad.On 9 January, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for the attack.
A massive manhunt began immediately after the shooting.The assailants were described by police as "armed and dangerous", and the threat level in France was raised to its highest possible status. On 9 January, police tracked two of the suspects to an industrial building northeast of Paris. Both suspects were gunned down when they ran out of the building and opened fire on the police. On the same day, another suspect linked to the Charlie Hebdo shooting entered and attacked a kosher supermarket in east Paris. Several people, including two police officers, were wounded before the police stormed the grocery store and shot the suspect. Another suspect is believed to be still on the run.
A total of twenty people--17 victims and three gunmen--were killed at four locations between 7 and 9 January, and at least twenty-one others were injured, some critically. On Saturday, the Prime Minister of France declared that the nation was now at war with radical Islam. “It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity,” he said in a speech.
圖片來源: http://goo.gl/62SKJx
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