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#繳稅 #GOGO卡 #綜所稅 合作信箱✉️ : [email protected] ❗️影片未經同意請勿任意轉載、二次搬運、寫成新聞稿 ❗️每月45元幫助我創作更多影片|https://shi...
ENGLISH & CHINESE SUBTITLES AVAILABLE Hello everyone, its Donny & Henry❣️ We hoped you guys liked ...
This is a message that I would like to share with the world. A message from Taiwan. Hi there, this...
台灣安全T恤(Taiwan safe zone t-shirt)► 🦐 蝦皮 ►
Coffee Beans by Dao 既蛋糕真係好好好好食! 黎泰國旅遊必食!! HERSHEY'S Zone: Takashimaya Floor: UG 好似只係得ICONSIAM有POPUP...