push-up variations 在 How to Squat, Lunge, Push-up & Plank Correctly (Dos & Don'ts!) | Joanna Soh 的影片資訊
Download my Fitness App here: https://www.fiolife.com/ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SUBJoannaSoh | Follo...
Download my Fitness App here: https://www.fiolife.com/ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SUBJoannaSoh | Follo...
Bản thân chống đẩy là một động tác không hề xa lạ với tất cả mọi người, nhưng các biến thể của nó th...
波比跳Burpee 很累又枯燥乏味?Spice up your burpees!來點不一樣的波比跳!15種不一樣的波比跳,看到最後再送上一個BONUS。先將基本的波比跳練好,再練中階的動作。 基本波比...
I took the 100 push up challenge by Joanna Soh!! I think spider push up is the hardest for me. Comme...
How to build your Back at home with different variations of Back exercises! (Closed Caption is avail...
有身體碰撞的運動對上半身的負荷比較大壓力,所以上半身的訓練對這些運動員都是不可忽略的。今次為大家介紹不同的掌上壓板本不需要用任何器材或很大的地方都能夠做到,希望這些訓練能夠幫助大家增強上身肌力。 I...
How to build your Chest at home with different variations of Chest exercises! *Closed Caption is a...
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial I DARE you to co...
Bored of your regular Plank? Try these variations. Difficulty from Easy, Normal, and Hard. Enjoy! ...
20個伏地挺身變化鍛鍊胸肌 1. 平行移動式 2. 窄肩式 3. 寬肩式 4. 超寬肩式 5. 前肩式 6.前傾式 7. 肘碰地式 8. 雙手交叉式 9. 前挺波浪式 10. 一前一後換肩式 11. ...