successful parenting 在 成功方程式,父母都要識|POPA 的影片資訊
「到底一個孩子具備什麼條件才會成功?」這問題很多家長也會想知道答案。美國賓夕法尼亞大學心理學家 Angela Duckworth,也很想知道一個人成功的要素,於是他跟團隊四出做研究。他們到過軍校,預測...
「到底一個孩子具備什麼條件才會成功?」這問題很多家長也會想知道答案。美國賓夕法尼亞大學心理學家 Angela Duckworth,也很想知道一個人成功的要素,於是他跟團隊四出做研究。他們到過軍校,預測...
♥ Habits run our daily life. What are the bad habits you want to break? Stop eat junk? Overeating? Q...
♥ My country, Malaysia is currently the FATTEST country in South East Asia. It's sad! Most of us are...
♥ We all want quick results and we want to do the “right” things to achieve that. Let's talk about t...
♥ I can't do the workout, I don't have dumbbells! I am going to show you how you can make your own d...
♥ Hi my lovelies, I’ve made the commitment to drink more water. I do struggle to just drink plain wa...
Hi my lovelies, I've been nominated for the "Asia Beauty & Wellness Award 2017" under the "Fitness S...
Hi my lovelies, I've been nominated for the "Asia Beauty & Wellness Award 2017" under the "Fitness S...
♥ Get Rid of Flabby Arms or Bingo Wings FAST with these effective exercises! They're my favourite! F...
♥ Are you always bloated, constipated, low in energy and can't stop eating bad foods? Your body mayb...