#1. sustainable seafood - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"sustainable seafood" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
認識Ocean Wise Seafood 成員 ... 環保海鮮指南. 購物時選擇這些Ocean Wise 所認可的海鮮食品. 環保海鮮指南[ 繁體中文] · 环保海鲜指南[ 简体中文] · 海鮮索引 ...
#3. 海鮮選擇指引 - Panda
#4. Sustainable seafood的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
Sustainable seafood. 5个回答. 可持续海鲜 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 可持续海鲜 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 能承受的海鲜 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名.
#5. sustainable seafood中文 - JohnGenty
sustainable seafood中文 ... Increasing market demand for sustainable seafood has led to considerable growth of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). We support ...
#6. 環保海鮮| WWF Hong Kong - 世界自然基金會香港分會
保護海洋,年年有魚Save our oceans, choose sustainable seafood. Watch later. Share. Copy link. 1/5. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute.
#7. 國際海洋生態標籤的發展與管理趨勢 - 行政院農業委員會
products from marine capture fisheries)文件中,針對生態標籤有以下14. 個原則: ... MSC 驗證(MSC certification for a sustainable and well managed fishery).
#8. 可持续认证的MSC蓝色生态标签
The blue fish label is only applied to wild fish or seafood from fisheries that have been certified to the MSC standard, a scientific measure of sustainable ...
#9. sustainable seafood中文 - Fkics
Choosing sustainable seafood ensures that our future generations will still be able to feed from ... 足可支撐的,養得起的,可以忍受的線上英漢字典/中文拼音/ ...
#10. 英國國際名廚遊說餐廳使用永續捕撈海產 - 環境資訊中心
Top chefs to lobby restaurants on sustainable fish ... in a new campaign urging restaurants to use only sustainable seafood on their menus.
#11. Governing Sustainable Seafood - 博客來
內容簡介. Taking a social science approach, this book explores the governance of sustainable seafood, which is fundamental to food and nutrition security as ...
#12. 海洋管理委员会-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
Version 5: 源自符合海洋管理委员会(MSC)标准的认证渔场。 From an MSC certified sustainable fishery.
#13. Home - 中文(台灣) - SaveSeas Token
#14. 朝日新聞中文網(繁) on Twitter: "【汽車零件大廠DENSO員工 ...
... 汽車零件大廠DENSO,其員工餐廳內已開始提供,透過不造成環境負擔的方式所捕撈的海鮮,也就是「永續海鮮(sustainable seafood)」所做成的餐點。
#15. Sustainable Seafood: How Asking 4 Simple Questions ...
To do this, we focus on promoting fishing practices that limit disruption to the marine habitat, minimize bycatch, reduce overfishing to give ...
#16. Marine Stewardship Council - mscbluefishtick - Instagram
Learn about the science behind sustainable fishing Try new sustainable seafood recipes ... Summer Seafood 的個人資料相片. Summer Seafood.
#17. 以反思日誌寫作為基礎之永續海鮮議題教學研究,ERICDATA ...
周鴻騰,永續海鮮,反思日誌寫作,反思的消費者,Sustainable Seafood,Reflective Jurnal Writing ... Curriculum of Sustainable Seafood Issues. 作者, 周鴻騰. 中文摘要.
#18. Sustainable Seafood | Starbucks Coffee Company
香港是亞洲人均海鮮消耗量第二高的地區,全球排行第八,全年海鮮總消耗量超過47.1萬噸,即平均每名香港人於一年間消耗65.5公斤海鮮,較全球人均食用量高出多於3倍*, ...
#19. 粮食安全和消除贫困背景下保障可持续小规模渔业自愿准则
And how can our collective efforts help create incentives to get more markets engaged with sustainable and responsible seafood production?
#20. sustainable consumption 中文 - 查查在線詞典
sustainable consumption中文:可持續消費…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sustainable ... of consumers and the seafood industry towards sustainable consumption
#21. NKUST USR Project: Lin-Jia Friendly Fishing Environment ...
The project group delivered the concept of slow fish and aquaculture sustainability to neighboring schools and communities, guiding children to build the ...
#22. 可持續水產養殖證書的知覺價值-新加坡案例研究 - Airiti Library ...
The Perceived Value of Sustainable Aquaculture Certifications – A Singapore ... Sustainable “Seafood” Ecolabeling and Awareness Initiatives in the Context ...
#23. Sustainable Fisheries and Seafood | SCS Global Services
Earn Seafood Sustainability Certification with SCS Global Services. Certifications include Aquatic Stewardship Council, Marine Stewardship Council, Seafood ...
#24. Friend of the Sea (Sustainable Seafood)的英文简称是FOS
海词缩略语词典提供Friend of the Sea (Sustainable Seafood)的英文简称是FOS信息,更多Friend of the Sea (Sustainable ... 中文全称: 大海的朋友(可持续的海鲜)
#25. The Future of Sustainable Fishing
A major concern for the future of marine biodiversity is the sustainability of global fisheries. Current solutions to minimize the strain on ...
#26. 識揀海鮮. Choose Right Today - Home | Facebook
What are our prospects for fish at all? 'Choose Right Today' aims to introduce sustainable seafood, where to find it, and its importance to Hong Kong consumers.
#27. ZOOM ON... // MSC and ASC, certification programs for ...
Buying seafood from sustainable fisheries or responsible aquaculture ensures that the important aquatic ecosystems (sea, lakes, ...
#28. 例句sustainable source - 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Sustainable source 释义: The source of something is the person, place, or thing which you ... sustainable seafood · sustainable solution; sustainable source ...
#29. What Does 'Sustainably-Sourced Seafood Actually Mean?'
I realised after my last blog, that I tend to throw the word 'sustainable seafood' about a lot and there is still confusion as to the meaning.
#30. Mr.Goodfish - Google Play 應用程式
Choose the right fish at the right season with Mr.Goodfish ! Mr.Goodfish is an European programme aiming at raising both public and ...
#31. 主頁| HK Sustainable Seafood Coalition
聯盟秘書處支援成員遵守負責任採購行爲守則。專家團隊亦會參與其中,以確保買賣雙方可共同有效解決非法、未通報及未受規範(IUU) 的漁業、過度捕撈、可追溯性、有害養殖及對 ...
#32. 'Sustainable' seafood certification boosts company share prices
The certification by Marine Stewardship Council leads to higher share prices for seafood companies. But the eco label overlooks an ...
#33. Intoduction to Sustainable Seafood | Summary, Overview and ...
Given global concerns over the depleting resources of our seas and oceans, and the increasing lack of sustainable seafood options, jellyfish are emerging as ...
#34. Sustainability | Jax Fish House | Fish House & Oyster Bar
Jax fish house is committed to serving you sustainable seafood. Seafood is delicious...let's make it last forever.
#35. seafood中文Seafood的中文翻譯 - IJQQ
seafood 的中文翻釋和情境影片範例超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平臺! ... Kong food and beverage industry to hold the first Sustainable Seafood Week in 2011.
#36. 海洋管理委員會(MSC)驗證| SGS 香港
SGS 的MSC 認證服務可確保您符合MSC 的國際公認標準,展示您對可持續發展所作的努力。 深入瞭解。
#37. sustainability - FCF Co., Ltd.
Although the most growth is from aquaculture, sustainable and effective capture fisheries management is still critical to maintain healthy fish stock.
#38. sustainable seafood images - Shutterstock
Find sustainable seafood stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#39. SAPMER's commitment to responsible and sustainable fishing
sustainable fisheries. Actions taken by SAPMER for responsible fishing are recognized by the obtention of certifications attesting good fishing practices. The ...
#40. We Are The Original Sustainable Seafood Company - Wild ...
Learn how the tuna sourced for Wild Planet by the use of sustainable fishing methods minimizes the bycatch of millions of pristine sea creatures.
#41. Artificial Reef Closed Fishing Area - 新北市政府漁業及漁港 ...
Fisheries Management · Home · > Fisheries Management > Sustainable Fisheries > Artificial Reef Closed Fishing Area.
#42. 午宴菜譜
Sustainable Seafood. 環保海鮮來源地可能因存貨而變更The origin of sustainable seafood maybe altered depending on availability.
#43. Sustainable Seafood | China Blue
Sustainable Seafood. Coming soon… Recent Posts. STAFF | Songzi WANG 2020年9月7日; Voice of China Fishery Vol. 01 2020年5月13日; Chinese Common Squid Fishery ...
#44. 三文鱼学院- 可持续性
Seafood From Norway 三文鱼学院. Change language. English Flag · español Flag · svenska Flag · 中文(简体) (Current language) Flag ...
#45. World Benchmarking Alliance launches Seafood Stewardship ...
...WBA found…practices amongst several…companies with strong sustainability strategies, sourcing and human rights policies…[and] good examples ...
#46. Concern for the Oceans Drives Consumers to 'Vote with their ...
MSC / GlobeScan survey reveals 58% of seafood shoppers have already made changes to start buying sustainable seafood in order to protect ...
#47. Email Marketing Campaign Coordinator (Sustainable Seafood ...
Identify targets for a sustainable seafood email market campaign. ... website crafted to educate businesses and consumers about what is sustainable seafood, ...
#48. Taiwan International Fisheries & Seafood Show
06 Dec 2021 100+ exhibitors from 15 countries showcase the latest “smart fishery” and “ocean sustainability” solutions at Taiwan International Fisheries and ...
#49. Sustainable Fish Sourcing Policy | Mars, Incorporated
Supporting Fishery Improvement Projects. We are committed to driving change across the fishing industry by supporting key fisheries that are committed to ...
#50. Ecolabeled seafood and sustainable consumption in ... - X-MOL
Attitudes towards the marine environment and sustainable seafood, understanding of the meaning of seafood sustainability, ... 中文翻译: ...
#51. Consumers are demanding more sustainable seafood - Grist
A boat fishing for Halibut in the Pacific ocean ... Consumers are ready to go to bat for sustainable seafood and companies that prove their ...
#52. These fishing pioneers are making it easier to eat sustainable ...
These fishing pioneers are making it easier to eat sustainable seafood. From dock to dish ... imagine if fishermen only caught species that ...
#53. Top Hong Kong Restaurants Choosing to Use Sustainable ...
They invite diners to ask servers to identify the right choices on the menu, and we are told to expect even more sustainable seafood dishes in ...
#54. 專門術語 - 太古公司二零一九年可持續發展報告
國際民用航空組織採納的一項計劃,旨在將國際民用航空的排放量維持在二零二零年的水平。 Certified sustainable seafood 獲認證的可持續海產. 來自妥善管理且可持續發展 ...
#55. Taiwan International Tradeshows-News
Learn the latest fishery digitalization and ocean sustainability trends in Taiwan int'l Fisheries and Seafood Show 2021.
#56. 全球变化知识资源中心
The operationalisation of sustainability: Sustainable aquaculture production as ... 中文关键词: Aquaculture ; Certification ; Multidisciplinary approach ...
#57. 什么是可持续海鲜? - Netinbag
可持续海鲜是一个术语,既描述了公众对鱼类和海鲜过度捕捞问题的关注,也描述了以对生态负责的方式收获的鱼类和海鲜。 一些保护组织促进了负责任地收获海产品的原因。 一些 ...
#58. Sustainable Seafood | Office of Energy and Climate Change
Sustainable Seafood. Allison Madison. I cycled through the Ozarks last fall with a friend who is a fisheries biologist from Washington state.
#59. SeaBOS speeds up action for sustainable seafood - Cermaq
SeaBOS advanced in concerted drive for changes in the global seafood sector when CEOs from ten of the largest seafood companies in the world ...
#60. Five ways to be a more sustainable seafood eater | SBS Food
"Don't think that by only buying the centre-cut portion of fish from a certified sustainable fishery that you have done the right thing." Even ...
#61. raw seafood中文Hai - SFHY
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) is a global, Public-Private Partnership, working towards more sustainable seafood for everyone.
#62. Shangri-La serves up sustainable seafood -
Global hotel chain Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts announced recently that it is to only serve sustainable seafood in 53 of its hotels in the ...
#63. Stories from the Field - Ocean Outcomes
This week, the sustainable seafood movement celebrates a significant step forward in our collective pursuit of healthy, flourishing fisheries and fishing ...
#64. Sustainable Seafood Is Top Priority at Serea. Here's Why...
Try the best sustainable seafood San Diego. Serea Coastal Cuisine in the Hotel del Coronado takes pride in our sustainable seafood offerings. Learn more.
#65. Seafood Solutions - UNH Impact
Now, thanks to a $5 million gift, the University of New Hampshire will dive deeper into the study of sustainable seafood and aquaculture on that global scale.
#66. Choose Sustainable Seafood - Lincoln Park Zoo
Choose Sustainable Seafood. Although the oceans and their resources seem vast and untapped, in reality, 90 percent of the world's fisheries are being fully ...
#67. Sustainability statement | Inland Seafood
Sustainability goes beyond the seafood we source which is why we're engaging with recognized Fishery Improvement Projects and Aquaculture Improvement Projects ...
#68. Aquaculture: Growing sustainable seafood with ocean farming
Aquaculture: Growing sustainable seafood with ocean farming. English · 中文(简体). May 26, 2020. By The Explorer. Saccharina latissima_sukkertar_cropped.jpg.
#69. HK Sustainable Seafood Coalition - M&C ASIA
The HKSSC members aim to collectively advance the sustainable seafood market in Hong Kong, by promoting responsible purchasing and consumption while aiming ...
#70. 嘉明海產
Sustainable seafood products to the customers. 為你提供可持續發展食品. Sustainable seafood products to the customers. 為你提供可持續發展食品
#71. 2018 Sustainable New Year's Table- Food EXPO - 藝文活動平台
Interdisciplinary Forum- Fishery, 2018/01/03 12:00 ~ 2018/01/26 12:00, googleMap連結 NTM Nanmen Park, 95, Multiple speakers. "Sustainable New Year's Table" ...
#72. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and IFFO launch new ...
18 October 2021 IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation, and Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) today announced the Global Marine ...
#73. Sustainable Fisheries-NRDC
In recent years, NRDC has been collaborating with partners in China to support sustainable fishery management and marine conservation capacity building ...
#74. Sustainable seafood - SAS Life
We know how good seafood is for us, but what about overfishing and high levels of mercury and toxins? Learn how to select sustainable ...
#75. The Sustainable Seafood Guide | Goop
Cimarusti says, “It's important to check fishing methods against Seafood Watch, as sustainability varies greatly (for example, albacore is responsibly fished ...
#76. Conference Proceedings Or Journal | A New Theory of ...
A New Theory of Change for the Sustainable Seafood Movement ... North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE), Corvallis, 2017.
#77. Is your favourite seafood sustainable? Here's how to find out
From canned tuna to Christmas prawns, Australians eat about 400000 tonnes of seafood every year, but there are some handy resources out ...
#78. Barton Seaver: Sustainable seafood? Let's get smart | TED Talk
#79. Student Work | WWF HONG KONG: SEAFOOD SUPPLY | 蹄兔
To help increase sustainability of seafood in Hong Kong, the World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong created a Seafood Guide.
#80. Podcast: Can the push for sustainable seafood change ...
Episode two of 'Three Billion' by Sustainable Asia looks at efforts to tackle the trade in endangered ocean species and the growing appetite ...
#81. 北極清水,加拿大海鮮巨頭Clearwater品牌中文名發布 - 壹讀
加拿大海鮮漁業公司(Clearwater)品牌中文名發布會在青島南山美爵酒店 ... wild seafood company, dedicated to Sustainable Seafood Excellence.
#82. Sustainability - Janes® Ready for Anything!
Our commitment to sourcing sustainable fish and seafood runs as deep as the oceans we rely on. Janes has made a commitment to sustainable practices.
#83. 3 Ways Chefs are Advocating for Sustainable Seafood
Paul and the surrounding area featured sustainable seafood options on their menus to demonstrate that prioritizing sustainably harvested seafood ...
#84. Sustainable Seafood - Divers Alert Network
While wild seafood is still popular with many consumers, Ryan Bigelow, outreach manager for the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program, ...
#85. AquaMaof - The New Nature of Aquaculture
... Aquaculture Systems) technology, to create industrial, safe and sustainable aquaculture solutions for the local production of fish and seafood.
#86. Seafood 是什麼
org "seafood" 中文翻譯: 海產食品; 海味, 海鮮, 魚類; 海鮮類; ... Sustainable seafood is seafood that is caught or farmed in ways that ...
#87. Our World in Data
Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
#88. Fish Farming - The New York Times
Companies are trying to prove that conservation, sustainable fishing and carbon sequestration are profitable. By Tatiana Schlossberg. March 23, 2021 ...
#89. 第4集- NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents SONGS OF TOKYO ...
#90. Conservation news on Tuna - Mongabay
(Baca dalam Bahasa Indonesia | 阅读中文版 | 日本語で読む) When Sepri was growing up, ... Indonesia's tuna fisheries seek out sustainability certification.
#91. Fish restaurants near me
Proudly serving locally harvested sustainable food. With a pure love of seafood and a single ... 3111 Fresh Seafood - Maine Fish Market Restaurant - CT.
#92. 與我們攜手,一起保護海洋!
CERTIFIED. SUSTAINABLE. SEAFOOD. MSC 海洋管理委員會(MSC ... Our sustainable seafood programme at Market Place by Jasons aims to.
#93. 第42 期| 蓝色脉搏·海洋生命共同体速递– G:HUB - 创绿研究院
The New England Fishery Management Council calls for the Bureau of ... to foster long-term sustainability and profitability of fisheries.
#94. Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore - Asia's lifestyle destination
简体中文 · tc ... Protecting Oceans With Sustainable Seafood Choices · 8 Cool Gadgets and Services ... Protecting Oceans With Sustainable Seafood Choices ...
#95. OUR STORY Community and Social Impact - Welcome ...
Our sustainability and CSR initiatives are focused on five key areas: community engagement, environment and biodiversity, employee development, sustainable ...
#96. GOOD EYE台灣挑剔指南:第一本讓世界認識台灣的中英文風格旅遊書(中英雙語)
Bringing together the fishing industry, local culture, and cooking class, the activities ... Fengbin TWP., Hualien County 中文(Chinese) ...
sustainable seafood中文 在 識揀海鮮. Choose Right Today - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
What are our prospects for fish at all? 'Choose Right Today' aims to introduce sustainable seafood, where to find it, and its importance to Hong Kong consumers. ... <看更多>